
  • 网络central nodule
  1. 创立于2001年的中央音乐学院音乐节,已经成功举办了九届。

    Founded in2001 , the Music Festival of CCOM has been successfully held for nine years .

  2. 自此,中央音乐学院音乐节不断扩大国际影响,也逐步成为一个国际音乐文化交流的知名品牌。

    The festival enforced the international influence , and has become a world-wide musical cultural communicating brand .

  3. 作为音乐指导他指导了第一、第三届中央音乐学院音乐节公演剧码《弄臣》、《茶花女》等歌剧选场的音乐作业。

    Musical director of selected scenes of public opera performance'Rigoletto ' , 'La Traviata'as well as others in the First and Third Music Festival of Central Conservatory of Music .

  4. 中央音乐学院音乐节不仅是我院建校70周年的一项重要活动,也是充分展现全院师生风采的一个盛大节日。

    The Music Festival of the CCOM is not only an important activity of the70th anniversary , but also a big festival to show the talents of teachers and students .