
  1. 原子簇是由中子和质子构成的。

    Each atomic cluster is made up of neutrons and protons .

  2. 在原子核里,中子和质子是结合在一起的。

    Neutrons and protons are bound together in the nucleus of an atom .

  3. 中子和质子构成了原子核

    The neutrons and protons form the core of the atom .

  4. 在相对论平均场框架下研究了Pr同位素链中中子和质子滴线核的可能位置及相关性质。

    The possible neutron and proton drip line nuclei and their corresponding properties of Pr isotope chain are studied in the framework of the relativistic mean field ( RMF ) theory with non linear meson self interactions .

  5. 原子核由中子和质子两种微粒构成。

    The nucleus of an atom is composed of neutrons and protons .

  6. 我们认为原子核是由中子和质子构成的。

    We think of a nucleus as made up of neutron and proton .

  7. 原子核中中子和质子数之和。

    The sum of the number of neutrons and protons in an atomic nucleus .

  8. 查阅基本粒子表,立刻就可看出,中子和质子非常相似。

    At the briefest glance at a table of elementary particles , we can see straight away that the neutron and proton are very similar .

  9. 简要介绍了中子晕和质子晕研究的最新实验进展,同时,讨论了近年来发展的同位旋,能量有关的具有晕核结构的Glauber理论及它在描述晕核与核散射时的重要性。

    The development of new experiments for neutron ( or proton ) halo is briefly described , while the isospin and energy dependence of Glauber theory and its importance in describing halo nuclei-nucleus scattering are discussed .

  10. 中子的重量和质子的重量差不多相等。

    The weight of a neutron is about the same as a proton .

  11. 基于同位旋相关量子分子动力学研究了中子晕核和质子晕核的核反应动力学,着重研究了松散的晕结构对于重离子碰撞中的碎裂和动量耗散中的特殊作用。

    We studied systematically the reaction dynamics induced by neutron-halo nuclei and proton-halo nuclei within the isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics , such as the effects of loose bound halo-nuclei on the fragmentation reaction and momentum dissipation for different colliding systems with different beam energies and different impact parameters .

  12. 通过计算与分析可知:有较大份额的中子和光子直接从质子束管中泄漏出去,且泄漏的中子和光子的能量相当高;

    The fluxes of the neutrons and the photons which directly leak out from the proton tube are large and the energy is high ;

  13. 当前用于推导中子数据的主要氘核反应所用光子束流未得到标记,并且往往仅测量中子和质子的截面比率,而截面比率并不能有效区分单π介子生成和双π介子生成。

    Often , only ratios of proton-neutron cross sections have been measured with at times insufficient separation of single and double pion production channels .