
  • 网络Chinese Christianity;Christianity in China
  1. 对于中国基督教的研究,研究者常常陷入一种思想上的困境。

    The researcher was often in a mental dilemma for the study of Christianity in China .

  2. 近年来,编撰中国基督教通史的问题已经引起中国学者的重视。

    Chinese scholars have thought highly of the value of editing and writing the general history of Christianity in China in recent years .

  3. 中国基督教乡村建设运动研究(1907&1950)

    A Study on Christian Rural Reconstruction Movement in China ( 1907-1950 )

  4. 中国基督教新书介绍

    Introduction of New Books of The Protestant Churches In China

  5. 主要研究领域是中国基督教史和宗教学。

    Research fields : history of the Chinese christianity ; religious studies .

  6. 近代中国基督教大学的农业推广服务

    On agricultural extension service of Christian colleges in modern China

  7. 现代性展开过程中的中国基督教

    Chinese Christianity in the Developmental Course of Modernity

  8. 中国基督教抓住历史的机遇,做出了正确的抉择。

    The Chinese Protestant Church seized the historical opportunity and made a correct choice .

  9. 近代中国基督教大学是与中国社会的变迁紧密联系在一起的。

    Modern Christian college is closely relative to the change of modern Chinese society .

  10. 近代中国基督教中学研究

    Research on Christian Middle Schools in Modern China

  11. 中国基督教神学思想建设

    Theological Thinking Reconstruction of the Chinese Church

  12. 抗战以前中国基督教大学及其学生生活研究

    The Research of Chinese Christian Colleges and Universities and Their Students ' Lives before 1937

  13. 1991年2月,中国基督教协会正式加入“世界基督教教会联合会”。

    In February 1991 the China Christian Council officially joined the World Council of Churches .

  14. 丁光训是当代中国基督教的主要发言人和神学家。

    Ding Guangxun , a theologian , is the main speaker of Christians in China .

  15. 中国基督教三自爱国运动委员会

    Chinese National Christian Three-self Patriotic Movement Committee

  16. 中国基督教文学中的圣歌

    Hymns of Chinese Christian Literature

  17. 牧师欧内斯特梁苏迪查的,中国基督教卫理公会表明谈他的教区。

    The Reverend Ernest Leong Gie of the Chinese Methodist Church is shown talking to his parishioners .

  18. 丝绸生产的历史源于三世纪的中国基督教时代。

    The history of silk thread production began in the III century before the Christian Era in China .

  19. 社会转型与中国基督教

    Social Reform and Christianity

  20. 中国基督教新闻

    Church News in China

  21. 变动时局中的中国基督教会&基于中华基督教会边疆服务运动的历史考察

    The Church in China in the Changing Political Situation : Based on the Historical Review of Christian Border Service

  22. 20世纪初,中国基督教史的研究还相当薄弱。

    The research of the history of Chinese Christianity was still unpopular in the beginning of the 20th century .

  23. 论民初中国基督教改革运动的思想史价值

    On the Intellectual Value of the Reform Movement of Chinese Christianity in the Early Period of the Republic of China

  24. 文章认为:西方传教士并不是清末中国基督教的唯一代表。

    The author holds that western missionaries could not be regarded as the only representatives of Chinese Church in the times .

  25. 教会慈善事业是中国基督教史研究中一个非常重要但却又鲜有人问津的领域。

    The protestant philanthropy , which used to be ignored , is an important part in the history of China Christian study .

  26. 其次,具体探讨了中国基督教文学的三种书写形态即母爱文学、游记文学和大地文学。

    Secondly , the thesis discusses three types of Chinese Christian literature Maternal Love Literature , Tourist Literature , and Earth Literature .

  27. 中国基督教界早有人提出摆脱外国教士控制的主张,并开始从事中国基督教自立组织的活动。

    Some Chinese Christians early on expressed their wish to cast off such control and began establishing their own independent Christian organizations .

  28. 逐家布道团的成立和湖南圣经学院的开办最终使得内地会成为中国基督教保守主义的大本营之一。

    The Evangelistic Bands and Hunan Bible Institute ultimately made the China Inland Mission to be one of the headquarters of Christian conservatism .

  29. 中华基督教文社是本色化运动的产物,它于1924年在上海成立,至1930年解散,仅存在七年,但它在中国基督教本色化运动史上留下了重要印迹。

    Founded in 1924 in shanghai and ended in 1930 , the Chinese Christian Literature Association was a result of the indigenization movement .

  30. 中国基督教两会所属的南京爱德印刷公司,印刷的圣经已达2500万册。

    The Amity Printing Company in Nanjing attached to the Chinese Protestant Church has printed to date 25 million copies of the Holy Bible .