
  • 网络A History of Chinese Literature
  1. 那年冬天他们着手写一部中国文学史。

    That winter they set out to write a history of Chinese literature .

  2. 真正的中国文学史,它不仅应涵盖各民族的文学,同时应涵盖各地域的文学。

    A History of Chinese Literature in the real sense of the term should include all the ethnic literatures in different regions of China .

  3. 《红楼梦》在中国文学史上占有重要位置。

    A dream of Red Mansions occupies an important place in the history of Chinese literature .

  4. 二十世纪中国文学史研究与中国社会

    Research in Chinese Literature in the 20th Century and Chinese Community

  5. 中国文学史的演进:范式的视角

    Evolution of Chinese Literary History : From the Perspective of Paradigms

  6. 五言诗歌在中国文学史中具有举足轻重的地位。

    Five-character poems play an essential role in Chinese literature history .

  7. 中国文学史新变的三个视点

    Three New Reforming Aspects on the History of Chinese Literature

  8. 从《滕王阁序》看骈文在中国文学史上的地位

    The position of Parallel Prose being in the history of Chinese Literature

  9. 以酒入诗是中国文学史上的一个重要现象。

    Poetry about wine is an important phenomenon in Chinese literature history .

  10. 《史记》记传体文学在中国文学史上有着重要的地位。

    Its biographical literature occupies an important position in Chinese literature history .

  11. 他潜心研究中国文学史

    He have be diving into the history of chinese literature

  12. 关于中国文学史的宏观与微观研究

    On the Macrocosmic and Microcosmic Approaches to the Studies of Chinese Literary History

  13. 世界第一部中国文学史的发现

    The Discovery of the First Book of Chinese Literary History in the World

  14. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。

    That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature .

  15. 中国文学史参考丛书

    A reference library of the Chinese history of literature

  16. 《诗经》是中国文学史上的一部经典著作。

    " Book of Songs " is a classic history of Chinese literature .

  17. 论文学史论文集的编纂&《二十世纪中国文学史论文精粹》个案评析

    On Compiling Collection of Papers on Literature History

  18. 他以极具独异风格的、现代性精神品格与民族化艺术形式完美统一的创作,书写了20世纪中国文学史光辉而不朽的篇章。

    His writings had a special style , modernity character and nationalized art form .

  19. 文化生态学:现代中国文学史研究的新理路

    Cultural Bionomics : A New Idea of the Study about Modern Chinese Literary History

  20. 该书在中国文学史研究方面达到了一个新的境界。

    The book has reached a new dimension concerning the research of Chinese literary history .

  21. 他善于比喻,富于变化,含蓄蕴藉,生动活泼,是中国文学史上的语言大师。

    That is why he is regarded as a linguistic master in Chinese literary history .

  22. 在中国文学史上,汉代的赋家是第一批有意识地追求文章华丽的群体。

    In Chinese literature , composers of Fu are the first to pursue consciously splendor .

  23. 其实,吴中文学乃中国文学史发展之必然结果。

    In fact the literature of Wuzhong is the inevitable outcome of the Chinese literature .

  24. 在中国文学史上,京派是一个非常复杂难辨的文学现象。

    In Chinese modern literary history , Peking School is too complicated and difficult to clarify .

  25. 《老子》在中国文学史上最早充分显示了以哲理为灵魂的诗的风采,其句法结构融合了南北诗歌风格、形式的传统和特点。

    Its syntax has mixed the style and form of both northern and southern traditional poems .

  26. 二十世纪中国文学史上,张爱玲是一个颇具魅力的作家。

    Zhang Ailing is a very charming novelist in Chinese history of literature of the twentieth century .

  27. 魏晋南北朝是中国文学史上第一个文学的自觉时代。此观点现代学人多有论述。

    Many modern scholars think the Wei-Jin-South-North-Dynasty is the first " self-conscious period of the literature " .

  28. 这一派在中国文学史的学科建设上贡献殊大。

    This school has made great contribution to the science construction in the history of Chinese literature .

  29. 该社团的外国文学翻译在中国文学史和文化史上均发挥了积极作用。

    Its translation of the foreign literatures has exerted a positive influence on Chinese literature and culture .

  30. 20世纪中国文学史中的无定本现象

    Phenomenon of Indefinite Editions of the Same Literary Work in the History of 20th Century Chinese Literature