
Xī yóu jì
  • Journey to the West
西游记 [xī yóu jì]
  • [Record of a journey to the west] 长篇章回小说,明吴承恩著。宋元时期,唐僧到印度取经的故事在民间广泛流传,并不断加进神怪色彩,吴承恩根据这些传说加工成一部神话小说,描写唐僧赴西天取经途中,弟子孙悟空降妖除怪,战胜艰险,到达西天取回真经的故事

  1. 《西游记》讲唐僧往西天取经的故事。

    The journey to the West tells how the Tang Monk went to the Western Heaven to acquire scriptures .

  2. 近一半的新作品都是国风风格,或者说“传统中国风”。这些故事大多是根据中国传说或文学作品改编。例如,《西行纪之再见悟空》改编自《西游记》。

    Nearly half of the new works are in guofeng style , or “ traditional Chinese style ” . The stories are mostly based on or adapted from Chinese legends or literature . For example , The Westward comes from Journey to the West .

  3. 毕竟不知此去吉凶如何,且听下回分解。(《西游记》)

    We do not know whether good or ill will befall him after he leaves , and you must listen to the explanation in the next chapter .

  4. 该文化节今年的重头戏《美猴王:西游记》(Monkey:JourneytotheWest)非常热闹,与以往的节目大不相同。

    The festival 's centerpiece this year , the boisterous spectacle " Monkey : Journey to the West , " is a notable departure .

  5. 预计《Badlands》的情节不会与《西游记》一模一样。

    The ' Badlands ' storyline isn 't expected to exactly mirror the plot of the old fable .

  6. 《西游记》单音节动词重叠式VV与V-V的差异

    Study for the differences of overlapping forms of mono-syllable verbs ( vv and v-v ) in the novel Pilgrimage to the West

  7. 动漫影片《西游记:大圣归来》占据第四名,当周营业额达到4770万元,这是经典故事“西游记”的3D版本,在7月10日上映以后总票房额达到了8亿9950万元

    Animated feature " Monkey King : Hero is Back " landed in the fourth spot , earning about 47.7 million yuan in the week . It is a 3D animated adaption of the classical epic " Journey to the West . " Its total box office sales stood at 899.5 million yuan after opening on July 10 .

  8. 今年早些时候香港TVB播放的一个《西游记》版本就收到创纪录的1100宗投诉,观众对其制作质量嗤之以鼻,并称其选材过于陈旧。

    One version that aired on the Hong Kong station TVB earlier this year received a record 1100 complaints , with viewers scoffing at the production quality and saying the choice of the show was too dated .

  9. 《西游记》的七子模式

    The " Seven Persons " Mode of Pilgrimage to the West

  10. 《西游记》体助词研究

    Study on the Aspect Auxiliaries in the Journey to the West

  11. 《西游记》是第一个被改写的故事。

    Journey to the West was the first to be revamped .

  12. 从作者看《西游记》为道教文学奇葩

    Pilgrimage to the West : A Classical Work of Taoist Literature

  13. 小说《西游记》表现出丰富的想像力。

    The novel Pilgrimage to the West shows plenty of imagination .

  14. 论《西游记》中的龙王形象及其文化内涵

    On dragon king image cultural connotation of Pilgrimage to the West

  15. 《西游记》中的俗语研究

    Research on Common Sayings in " Journey to the West "

  16. 千里眼和顺风耳是《西游记》中的两个人物。

    This stour describes two characters from journey to the West .

  17. 《西游记》与西方流浪汉小说之比较

    Comparative Study of Journey to the west and Western Picaresque Novel

  18. 《西游记》俗语中的人物性格和时代特色

    Personality and Time Characteristics in Slang of A Journey to the West

  19. 《西游记》之心猿及其文化根源

    " Xinyuan " of Pilgrimage to the West and Its Cultural Source

  20. 也说《西游记》中的柱枓

    On " Zhudou " in The Pilgrimage to the West

  21. 《西游记》詹纳尔译本角色名翻译的研究

    On the Character Name Translation in Journey to the West by Jenner

  22. 《西游记》是一部著名的神话长篇小说。

    Journey to the West is a renowned mythical novel .

  23. 西游记是一本在中国家喻户晓的传奇幻想小说。

    Pilgrimage to the West is the best-known fantasy novel in China .

  24. 《西游记》八十一难结构剖析

    Structural Analysis on the Eighty-one Adversities in A Journey To The West

  25. 《西游记》中的比较句式研究

    A Study of the Comparative Sentence Patterns in Journey to the West

  26. 《西游记》长生术解读

    Explanation of the technique of immortality in the pilgrimage to the West

  27. 所以,《西游记》是从高视点上突出了人本思想。

    So it highlights human-oriented thought from a high perspective .

  28. 论《西游记》在创作学上的范式意义

    Paradigmatic Significance of A Journey to the West in Terms of Writing

  29. 《西游记》版本研究小史

    A Brief History of the Edition Study on Journey to the West

  30. 《西游记》中红孩儿原型在元杂剧中的叙事线索

    Narrative Clues of Hong-haier 's Prototype in the Yuan Dynasty 's Zaju