
  1. 论西方文艺理论中的镜子观念

    On the Concept " Mirror " in the Western Literary Theory

  2. 西方文艺理论因果关系思维模式刍议

    A Discussion of the Theoretical Modes of the Occidental Literature Theory

  3. 反讽是西方文艺理论中的一个重要诗学范畴。

    Irony is an important poetics in western literary theories .

  4. 接受理论(或称接受美学)是现代西方文艺理论中的一个重要的美学范畴。

    Reception Aesthetics is an important aesthetic category in western literary theories .

  5. 现代性,代表着一种现代理性精神,发轫于西方文艺复兴时期。

    Modernity presents a kind of modern rational spirit whose origin was Western Renaissance .

  6. 中国现代文学批评是在西方文艺思潮的影响下发展起来的。

    Modern literary criticism came into being under the influence of Western literary trends .

  7. 20世纪的西方文艺思想界是多元的格局,就整个情况看是开放的。

    It is argued that the western literary trends are open-ended in the 20th century .

  8. 这种观念是西方文艺复兴之后兴起的,它的历史极为短暂。

    This idea emerged after the West Renaissance , and its history is extremely short .

  9. 这三种范式都以自己独特的理论视角和批评形态为西方文艺理论与批评做出了辉煌的贡献。

    The three paradigms contribute greatly to the development of literature criticism with their instinct viewpoints .

  10. 第一章“郭沫若早期诗学受西方文艺的启迪”。

    The first chapter is " western art 's enlightenment on Guo Moruo 's early poetry " .

  11. 论西方文艺思想对郑敏诗歌创作与批评的影响

    The Influence of the Western Literary and Art Ideology on Zheng Min in Her Poetic Creation and Criticism

  12. 文章结合当代中西方文艺学发展的现状对宏观文艺学的三大基本特征进行了分析和阐述,从而初步描述了具有当代形态和中国特色的马克思主义宏观文艺学的总体格局和形态特征。

    It also preliminarily describes the whole pattern and characteristics of Marxian Macro-literature and arts which possesses Chinese characteristics .

  13. 现代西方文艺理论与批评经历了三阶段:通过作者来理解作品的作者中心论,通过作品文本自身来理解作品的文本中心论,通过读者接受来理解作品的读者中心论。

    Modern Western literature criticism theory went through three stages , including the writer-centered stage , text-centered stage and reader-centered stage .

  14. 西洋歌剧在五四新文化运动中,随着西方文艺思潮的涌入而进入中国,并逐渐受到国人的注意。

    Introduced into China with Western literary thoughts during the May 4 Movement , Western operas have since attracted Chinese attention .

  15. 最后,借鉴西方文艺理论,分析小说整体的审美艺术风格&反讽修辞。

    Finally , the aesthetic style of the novel has been glimpsed by the western literary theory , which is called rhetorical irony .

  16. 中国传统的文学批评、艺术批评有着为西方文艺批评所不能替代的独特价值。

    Chinese traditional literary criticism and art criticism possesses unique value which can not be taken place of by western literature and art criticism .

  17. 亚里士多德的“卡塔西斯”论是西方文艺理论和西方关学的标点性内容,影响到西方戏剧乃至其他文体。

    Affecting the western drama and other styles , Aristotle 's Katharsis theory is a remarkable content of western literary theory and western aesthetics .

  18. 文章在比较诗学的理论视野内,探讨了现代中国语境中的唯美主义文学观念与西方文艺思潮的影响接受关系。

    In the perspective of comparative literature , the article analyses the relationship between modern Chinese aestheticism and the western current of thoughts in literature .

  19. 模仿论是西方文艺美学的开端,它是最早关于艺术本质和起源的理论。

    The imitation theory of art is the beginning of western literary aesthetics , which is the earliest theory about the nature and source of art .

  20. 同时借助西方文艺学中的解构理论为网络文学这一新兴文学形式从学理上找到有说服力的理论支撑。

    Simultaneously with the study of Western literary deconstruction literary theory for the network this emerging form of literature from an academic theory to find convincing support .

  21. 自西方文艺复兴和启蒙运动以来,人类实现了巨大进步,但也引发了全球问题的出现和加剧,人类进化处于某种关口。

    Since the Renaissance and the Enlightenment , mankind has made a great progress but also caused the global problems that push the human to the strategic passes .

  22. 引论瑞恰兹是20世纪西方文艺理论流派中英美新批评派的著名理论家,《实用批评》是他的代表性理论著作之一。

    Introduction Richards is a famous theoretician of the new criticism group in the westin the 20th century and Practical Criticism is one of his representative theory works .

  23. 本文探讨在《外国文学》教学中,以西方文艺理论指导文学作品的阅读鉴赏,并结合论文写作练习,提高学生外国文学鉴赏能力的具体途径。

    The paper tries to explore the ways of cultivating the faculties of literature appreciation , which is guided by western literary critical theories and accompanied with paper writing .

  24. 从某种意义上来说,把握了斯皮瓦克的理论体系就等于把握了整个西方文艺理论发展的基本研究动向。

    To some extent , to master Spivak means mastering the general development of the contemporary progress of the west literature theory , where lies the significance of this dissertation .

  25. 外国文学教学应通过加强现代西方文艺理论的运用、利用现代化的教学手段、实施双主教学模式,逐步实现自身的现代化。

    The foreign literatures teaching should be modernized by applying more modern western theories of arts and literature , by using modern teaching methods , by taking the interactive teaching models etc.

  26. 20世纪末,西方文艺学发生了文化的转向,文学的文本批评转向了文学的文化批评。

    At the end of the 20th century , culture became the focus of western literature , which led to the literarycritics ' attention change from textual criticism to cultural criticism .

  27. 西方文艺理论几千年来基本上一直沿用着一条“因果关系决定律”模式去考察对象。

    This article suggests on the whole the occidental literature theory followed one mode of " the causality determinism " to make an investigation of the objects for thousands of years .

  28. 否定主义文艺学用来分析西方文艺观局限的尺度,是中国当下文学创作受各种现实约束的问题。

    The standard adopted by the negativist literary theory for the analysis of the limitations of Western literary theories is a problem reflecting the various constraints on contemporary Chinese literary creation .

  29. 因此以弗莱的神话理论作为突破口,我们可以更好地理解结构主义以来的西方文艺理论,更为清醒地认识到全球化浪潮席卷下的世界文化现状。

    Therefore , through discussing Frye 's theory of Myth and Archetypal criticism , we can obtain a better understanding of western critical theories and the culture worldwide in a global arena .

  30. 西方文艺理论家对戏剧界定为:戏剧文学兼及主客观性,因此剧作家的主观感情不能过度介入;

    Drama is defined as a literature of both subjectivity and objectivity by the western literary theoretician . Accordingly , the dramatist 's feelings cannot be involved too deeply in the drama .