
cì wén huà
  • subculture
次文化[cì wén huà]
  1. 它们有四个主要特征:汉字词居多、语义新奇、受ACG次文化的影响大、本土化倾向。

    They have four features : kanji words in large numbers , novelty in meaning , influence of ACG Subculture and localization tendency .

  2. 他们同90年代次文化年轻人一样喜欢咳药和摇滚乐。

    They are involved in the subculture of90 's youth complete with drugs , live music , and homophobia .

  3. 中国加入WTO后,随着教育竞争的加剧,大学国际化理念应运而生,成为了大学的又一次文化觉醒。

    After China 's entry of WTO , with the intensification of education competition , the idea of internationalization of universities emerge as the times require .

  4. 我想这是一次文化震动,亟需的震动,科技调研企业弗雷斯特研究公司(ForresterResearch)的首席执行官乔治·F·科隆尼(GeorgeF.Colony)说。

    I think this is a jolt to the culture , which is really needed , said George F. Colony , the chief executive of Forrester Research , a technology research firm .

  5. 《时代周刊》主编爱德华·费尔欣(EdwardFelsenthal)在解释时说,“打破沉默者”的行动“是自上世纪六十年代以来最迅速的一次文化变革。”

    In a note explaining their reasoning , Time editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal said that the actions of silence breakers had " unleashed one of the highest-velocity shifts in our culture since the 1960s . "

  6. 终有一天,(中国)游客去巴黎,是为了参观卢浮宫,进行一次文化之旅,或是为了参加课程,学习如何制作巧克力,而不是一头扎进路易威登(LouisVuitton)店里买包包。

    Eventually [ Chinese ] travellers will visit Paris to go on a cultural tour through the Louvre or do a class to learn how to make chocolate instead of just heading straight to the Louis Vuitton store to buy a bag .

  7. 这部影片借鉴了许多关于网络朋客以及黑客次文化的信息。

    The film contains many references to cyberpunk and hacker subcultures .

  8. 所以刚才那一幕只不过是一次文化冲突?

    So that little display was just a culture clash ?

  9. 以高深学问的增值为旨趣的知识本位是制度变革中的深层次文化动因;

    Knowledge - centered values is the depth cultural motivity ;

  10. 两次文化宣言与文化策略的逻辑演进

    The Twice Cultural Manifestoes and Logical Development of Cultural Strategy

  11. 论企业深层次文化建设的意义和途径

    On Significance and Ways of Business Deep Cultural Construction Discussion on Cultural Business

  12. 从而在新的历史条件下,经历了一次文化主流的转变。

    Under this new historic condition , the cultural currents were also changed .

  13. 非典之后第一次文化狂欢!

    The first great culture party after sars !

  14. 浅论金华历史上的一次文化热潮

    On One Cultural Upsurge in Jinhua History

  15. 20世纪初期的中国社会,第一次文化转型的要求十分迫切,报刊已具有比较大的社会影响力。

    China society of the beginning of 20 century was filled with appealing for cultural transformation .

  16. 青年亚文化,又称次文化,是相对于主流文化而提出的一个模糊概念。

    Youth subculture , also called inferior culture , is the vague concept compared about the main culture .

  17. 对于数千名凭借出色行政才能和实现增长而获得晋升的管理者来说,这是一次文化冲击。

    For thousands of managers who have ascended by being excellent administrators and delivering growth , this is culture shock .

  18. 纳粹-头是一种在1980上半叶在英国发展出来的右翼次文化。

    Nazi-Skinheads are a right wing subculture that developed in the United Kingdom in the first half of the eighties .

  19. 杰西卡-阿尔芭还在网上爆料了自己旅途中的几件恐怖事情,比如在洗手间里发现了蚱蜢!杰西卡更把这次旅程看做是一次文化体验之旅。

    Alba also chronicled some of the horrors of country living such as the time she found the grasshopper on her toilet .

  20. 人类须来一次文化转型,须从建立在贪欲基础上的文化上升到建立在智慧基础上的文化。

    Human beings need a transformation of the culture , from the modern culture based on greed to that based on wisdom .

  21. 因而朝鲜族社会的文化资源具有出现第二次文化功能扩张的可能性,正由于此,构思其文化战略并谋求全方位的发展极具现实的操作性。

    So it is feasible to map out the cultural strategy of developing the community 's cultural resources and forward its all-round development .

  22. 紫禁城在转变成为博物馆的同时,也经历了一次文化上的转变,即从皇家文化向博物馆文化地转变。

    When the Forbidden City was transformed into the Palace Museum , the royal culture was also changed into the culture of museum .

  23. 汉字的传入和使用,改变了东亚各国无文字的历史,使深层次文化交流得以进行,并逐渐形成以中国儒学思想为核心、汉字为重要特征之一的东亚汉字文化圈。

    Thus , East Asia Chinese-character cultural circle gradually formed with Confucianism as its core and the Chinese character as one of its main features .

  24. 孔子思想是第一次文化轴心时代人类思想的伟大创造,儒家社会理想的本原是和谐。

    Confucianism is deemed a great invention of human thoughts in the first cultural axis period . The foothold of Confucian social ideal is harmony .

  25. 但同以往那些时代相比,未曾改变的是新教徒与天主教徒之间、北部国家与南部国家之间、英国和欧洲大陆国家之间的深层次文化冲突。

    But what remains unchanged from those times are the underlying cultural conflicts between Protestants and Catholics , North and south , Britain versus the continent .

  26. 电影、电视的出现和发展带来了20世纪的一次文化转型,即由文字纸媒文化转变为视觉文化。

    The emergence of films and television brought about a cultural transformation in the 20th century , i.e. , from the written media culture to optical culture .

  27. 整体性深层次文化转型引起了个体生存方式的巨大变化,社会现代化激发了个体的生存自觉。

    The transition of deep-level culture as a whole leads to a massive change of individual existing style and the social modernization stimulates the individual consciousness of existence .

  28. 在我国古代历史上两次文化繁荣的高潮时期,荆门都充分发挥了其南北文化交融的“门户”作用,形成了鲜明的开放融合精神。

    It channeled cultural exchanges between the north and the south in the peaks of two cultural flourishes in history , forming a strikingly open and melting spirit .

  29. 中国文化史上第二次文化大繁荣的代表人物孔子,以人本主义构成儒家文化的核心&仁学。

    Confucius , the representative of the second cultural prosperity in the Chinese history of culture makes up the core of the Yu Culture with humanism & humanity .

  30. 特别是,如果我们觉得我们的组织需要一次文化变革,通过技术变革发起变革是否是一个好的策略?

    Specifically , if we feel that a cultural change is needed in our organization , is a technological change a good strategy by which to initiate the change ?