
xī xī lǐ
  • Sicily
西西里 [xī xī lǐ]
  • [Sicily] 地中海最大的岛屿

  1. 今日凌晨意大利西西里岛发生强地震。

    A powerful earthquake struck the Italian island of Sicily early this morning

  2. 这是她曾祖父母从西西里带来的扁豆。

    It was a flat bean that her great-grandparents had brought from Sicily .

  3. 1693年,估计有10万人在西西里岛的地震中丧生。

    In 1693 , an estimated 100000 people died in an earthquake in Sicily .

  4. 西西里岛地区的HLA位点和多发性硬化症

    The HLA locus and multiple sclerosis in Sicily

  5. 即是一手策划灾难性,Alcibiades,was,the,man,who,engineered,西西里岛远征的背后推手,最终,他成了一位叛逃者,改而效忠斯巴达。

    Alcibiades the disastrous Sicilian expedition and later ended his life as a defector going to Sparta .

  6. 来自西西里的马可•德•文岑佐(MarcodeVincenzo)在这一代年轻设计师中脱颖而出,他被芬迪家族(Fendifamily)慧眼识中,今年二月,法国时尚巨擘路易维登(LVMH)也参股了他的公司。

    Sicilian Marco de Vincenzo , who was spotted by the Fendi family and in whom French powerhouse LVMH bought a stake in February this year is the breakout star of a new generation .

  7. 意大利有两个著名的火山:一个是位于那不勒斯并在目前处于休眠状态维苏威火山,另一个是位于西西里岛上的活火山埃特纳火山(Etna)。

    Italy is more typically associated with two famous volcanoes : the currently dormant Vesuvius near Naples and the very active Etna on Sicily .

  8. 拉个木凳到吧台,点一杯Occhipinti西西里红葡萄酒或BirradelBorgo印度浅色麦芽啤酒(IPA)。

    Pull a wooden stool up to the bar and order a glass of Sicilian red from Occhipinti or an IPA from Birra del Borgo .

  9. 他专门研究希腊艺术考古,并担任位于西西里的默干提纳(Morgantina)发掘项目联席总监。

    He specializes in Greek art archaeology and serves as co-director of the Morgantina excavations in Sicily .

  10. 答:游客们熟悉的意大利食物是意大利南部的食物,因为意大利移民一般都是来自坎帕尼亚区(Campania)和西西里岛等南部地区。

    The Italian food with which they 're familiar is southern Italian food because immigrants have tended to come from Campania , Sicily and so on .

  11. 除了两度前往西西里岛,因应迪欧尼修斯之邀,前去协助建立,位于,Syracuse,的哲学王权,他一直待在雅典教书,写作。

    Except for two expeditions to Sicily , where he went at the request of Dionysius to help try to establish a philosophical kingship in Syracuse , he remained in Athens teaching and writing .

  12. Sikania其最古老的民族,对古希腊人来说,西西里就是Sikelia,柏拉图的乌托邦社会。

    Sikania to its most ancient peoples , Sicily was Sikelia , Plato 's utopian society , to the ancient Greeks .

  13. 记不记得柏拉图自己,曾多次旅行到西西里岛,从事国王顾问的工,Dionysius王,他所有的使命都未竟成功,并使他深深感到气馁。

    Plato himself , remember , made a number of trips to Sicily to serve as the advisor to a king there , Dionysius , and all of these missions failed and left him deeply dispirited .

  14. 在我这个年龄的人中,信仰爱国主义这类价值观是另类,22岁的卡梅洛·拉亚(CarmeloRaia)说。拉亚是法律系学生,上个月从西西里岛的阿格里真托来到罗马守卫万神殿。

    Believing in values like patriotism is fairly atypical among people my age , acknowledged Carmelo Raia , 22 , a law student who last month traveled to Rome from Agrigento , Sicily , to stand guard in the Pantheon .

  15. 意大利:生活在意大利西西里的Manzo一家,一周伙食费:260.11美元,喜爱的食物:鱼、意大利面食、热狗和冻鱼。

    Italy : The life is1 at Manzo in the Italian cc , a week boarding fee : USD260.11 , favorite food : Fish , Italian noodles food , hot dog and freeze fish .

  16. 我父亲是西西里骗子中的世界冠军。

    My father was the world heavyweight champion of Sicilian liars .

  17. 我们,我们听到了这个美好的小西西里餐厅。

    We , we heard about this wonderful little Sicilian restaurant .

  18. 我本人就喜欢来自那布勒斯和西西里岛的南部地区的食物。

    I do love the southern dishes of Naples and Sicily .

  19. 西西里亚,我想回去参加派对了。

    Cecilia , I want to go back to the party .

  20. 在西西里岛的度假小城陶尔米纳,她的服饰洋溢着春天的气息。

    In the resort town of Taormina in Sicily , springlike .

  21. 然而去西西里旅行并不容易。

    But it 's not easy getting to or around Sicily .

  22. 西西里岛的海岸与橙色和柠檬黄金果园。

    Sicily 's coasts are gold with orange and lemon orchards .

  23. 西西里岛处在一个欧洲,非洲和亚洲交界处。

    Sicily is Europe , Africa and Asia on one island .

  24. 葡萄酒的重要性可能超过柑橘而成为西西里最值钱的产品。

    Wine may outrank citrus as Sicily 's most valuable product .

  25. 但我认为他是想去西西里岛。

    But I believe that he means to move against sicily .

  26. 这些欧洲人以自己身为马耳他人和西西里岛人倍感自豪。

    These Europeans are proud of being Maltese and Sicilian .

  27. 尤其致力于西西里的复苏。

    And is particularly dedicated to the resurrection of sicily .

  28. 雷会和西西里亚去参加最后的狂欢派对。

    Ray 's going to the last splash with cecilia .

  29. 该海峡将西西里岛和意大利大陆分隔开来。

    The strait separating Sicily from the tip of Italy .

  30. 在飞机上,回西西里去了。

    He 's on a plane , back to sicily .