
shānɡ yè zhǔ yì
  • commercialism;mercantilism
  1. 迪伦在格林尼治村的许多朋友都认为他已经向商业主义屈服了。

    Many of his Greenwich Village associates thought Dylan had sold out to commercialism .

  2. 商业主义的危险就是教会最终可能会被大赞助商牵着鼻子走。

    The danger of commercialism is that the churches end up dancing to the tune of their big business sponsors .

  3. 但在商业主义和实用主义的外表下,徐静蕾做事有她的原则和底线。

    But underneath her commercialism and pragmatism , she has her principles .

  4. 伟大的艺术和商业主义一定是相互排斥的。

    Great art and commercialism are surely mutually exclusive .

  5. 学术文化与研究型大学:商业主义和科学主义的影响

    Academic Culture and the Research Intensive University : The Impact of Commercialism and Scientism

  6. 洪东渌的奇妙的灯光盒子道出了商业主义与西方和东方在后现代的交会。

    Hung Tung-Lu 's fantastical light-boxes speak of consumerism and the post-modern encounter between east and west .

  7. 人们一直小心翼翼地将商业主义拒之校园之外,这样,无论是学校还是学生,都不会变成一切向钱看。

    Commercialism has been carefully warded off so that neither universities nor their students would become money-oriented .

  8. 它不像是由某个委员会所写或是因为人口统计或是商业主义而作出了一些让步。

    It didn 't feel like it had been written by committee or with so many concessions to demographic or commercialism .

  9. 在现代,似乎真正的文化成就正日益为如火如荼的商业主义和大众低俗所蚕食。

    In modern times , it seems that the real cultural achievements are increasingly eroded by full swing commercialism and mass democracy .

  10. 同时,受商业主义的影响,模仿古今中外各时期建筑样式的做法也时常出现。

    At the same time , influenced by commercialism , the buildings imitating architecture styles from any times and anywhere emerge frequently .

  11. 商业主义、后现代主义对身体写作的渗透,是当下语境中女性批评还不十分情愿涉足的文化视域。

    The penetration of commercialism and postmodernism into the bodily writing is a field that feminism is reluctant to come into currently .

  12. 无论是清华大学之内还是之外的人们,都表达了他们的愤慨,谴责校方致使学府为商业主义所玷污。

    People in and outside Tsinghua University expressed their outrage , denouncing its authorities for allowing the university to be contaminated by commercialism .

  13. 一个称为EthicalOil.org的商业主义游说团体呼吁抵制奇基塔公司的产品,据称这将损失公司一大笔钱。

    A pro-business lobby called EthicalOil.org is urging a boycott of Chiquita 's products that is said to be costing the company a fortune .

  14. 研究发现,专业媒体有偏向精英主义的报道模式,也有倾向商业主义的报道模式,都市报房地产专刊则采用中庸主义原则报道。

    The study found that professional media coverage biased elitist model and commercial model , newspapers for city use of the principle of moderation .

  15. 文学商品化是现代派时期诗人们必须面对的现实,在商业主义占主导的美国,尤其如此。

    Commodity form of literary works is a reality that poets in modernist era have to face , especially those in America where commercialism dominates .

  16. 改革开放后的新闻事业面临官僚主义和商业主义的双重挤压,出现了许多不良现象。

    The journalistic cause after the reform and opening-up is confronted with the double problems of bureaucracy and commercialism , thus resulting in many bad phenomena .

  17. 新闻惯例的误导、商业主义的诱导、工具理性的规导,媒介的风险报道活动在多重压力的共同作用下,偏离了原有的报道本义,进而产生了种种偏向。

    The practice of misleading , induced by commercialism , instrumental rationality rules guide the risk of reporting activities of the media in the joint effect of the multiple pressures .

  18. 冯小刚早期的电影的一大主题是商业主义,包括《大腕》在这部电影里,一位导演将自己的葬礼推销给了广告商。

    One of Feng ' s targets in his earlier films has been commercialism . including " Big Shot 's Funeral " where a film director sells his funeral to advertisers .

  19. 如果海外市场的政治格局足够稳定,英国就可以不用采取形式规则或商业主义,而是仅仅通过与他国进行自由贸易来发展经济。

    If political conditions in a particular overseas markets were stable enough , Britain could develop its economy through free trade alone without having to resort to formal rule or mercantilism .

  20. 该书评总结了美国法律职业面临的重重危机,例如法律商业主义盛行,职业伦理沦丧和行业规制的欠缺等;

    This book review summarizes the crisis confronting American legal profession , such as the prevailing of legal commercialism , the degenerating of the professional ethics , and the absence of professional regulation , etc.

  21. 他们的分裂从一些共同的背景性经历中也可看出必然性来,其中包括历史背景(理想主义)、社会背景(商业主义)和文化背景(个性主义)。

    From the analysis on the background factors we can get the reason of their separation , which include history background ( idealism ), social background ( commercialism ) and culture background ( individuation ) .

  22. 本文认为,解禁以来台湾媒体的政治权威残留和浓厚的商业主义浪潮,导致了媒体公共性问题的产生。

    This paper argues that the residual political authority of the media in Taiwan and a strong wave of commercialism , resulting in the generation of issues of media publicness since the lifting of the ban .

  23. 明星是商业主义在文化领域渗透扩张的结果,是20世纪大众文化工业崛起的副产品。

    Stars are outcome , which turned out by the permeating and expanding of consumption ism in culture area . Furthermore , it is the byproduct of mass culture industry that growing up in 20 century .

  24. 库德雷说,但是这正是曼彻斯特夜总会不同于这个国家其它的夜总会之处,“商业主义、主力者和名牌厂商吸干了夜叫会的创造性活力,试图将我们的国家变成一个千篇一律的东西。”

    But this is what distinguishes the Manchester scene from the rest of the country , says Coudrey . " Commercialism , sponsors and big labels all suck the life out of the creative side of clubbing . "

  25. 随着现代批判性思潮对其批判的展开,有必要重新审视国家主义、商业主义以及技术性职业主义和公共性职业主义的利弊。现代英国法治理论的经典表述&戴雪的法治观及现代批判

    With the development of modern criticism , it is necessary to re-examine the advantages and disadvantages of nationalism , commercialism , technological professionalism and public professionalism . Classical Comment upon the Theories of the Rule of Law in Modern Britain & Dicey 's Viewpoint and Others'Critique

  26. 本文认为,商业自由主义是一个比较完整的研究纲领,有着悠久的学理传承和理论发展,当今仍然有着重要的现实意义。

    It concludes that commercial liberalism is a comparatively integrated research program , and with a long theoretical heritance and development , it still has important practical value today .

  27. 商业普世主义法则·张力

    The Business Universalism Rule

  28. 一名军方发言人表示,出于商业和人道主义原因,几内亚重新开放了陆地和空中边界。

    A military spokesman says Guinea has reopened its land and air borders for commercial and humanitarian reasons .

  29. 先前研究商业贸易保护主义已审查不少有关它与进口渗透,失业指数和资本密度的关系。

    Previous studies of trade protectionism have examined its relationship with import penetration , unemployment levels and capital intensity .

  30. 商业化及拜金主义严重侵蚀着社会生活各个层面。

    The trade and the mammonism seriously corrodes the society lives each stratification plane .