
  • 网络Catholic doctrine;Romanism;catholicism;Roman Catholicism
  1. 在天主教教义中,犯错之人可以通过秘密忏悔而得到赦免。

    In Catholicism , sinners can get absolution in the secrecy of confession .

  2. 天主教教义是这个家庭的指导原则。

    The guiding principle of the family was catholicism .

  3. 然而,它具有较高的权威,阐述了天主教教义。

    Yet it possesses high authority as an exposition of Catholic doctrine .

  4. 尼科尔斯总主教上周提议,以天主教教义作为商业行为的框架。

    Archbishop Nichols last week proposed church teaching as a framework for business behaviour .

  5. 漫画中教皇死而复生,拥有了超级力量,这些力量超出了他在尘世间时罗马天主教教义赋予他的在讲道时绝对正确的权威。

    In the comic book , the pope dies and is reborn with super-powers beyond the doctrinal infallibility that Roman Catholic doctrine gave him on earth .

  6. 以天主教教义十诫为参照点,阐述了导演关于人的存在的偶然性,现代人遇到的道德困境等主题。

    Refering to the catholic doctrine " The Decalogue ", the contingency of human existence and the moral dilemma faced by the modern human beings are illustrated .

  7. 詹森和他的门徒的罗马天主教教义;相信上帝决定论的人能得到拯救其他人遭受浩劫。

    The Roman Catholic doctrine of Cornelis Jansen and his disciples ; salvation is limited to those who are subject to supernatural determinism and the rest are assigned to perdition .

  8. 他在《天主实义》中多以天主教教义附和儒家思想,探究天主教义和儒学的相通之处,如利玛窦认同儒家仁的思想,且不反对中国的祭祖传统。

    He studied the similarities of Catholicism and Confucianism , For example , Matteo Ricci recognized the Confucian " benevolence ", and not against the Chinese tradition of ancestor worship .

  9. 罗马天主教教义,圣餐圣化后面包和酒就会变成基督的肉和血。

    The Roman Catholic doctrine that the whole substance of the bread and the wine changes into the substance of the body and blood of Christ when consecrated in the eucharist .

  10. 此种复杂的情况必然要涉及到太多的实验设备和脱离身体的体液,这种做法可以说与天主教的教义并不相符。

    There 's certainly more lab equipment and disembodied fluid in the equation than , say , Catholic doctrine smiles upon .

  11. 论霍桑《红字》中的人文主义清教观天主教的教义对她只是一套清规戒律罢了。

    On the Humanized Puritanism of Nathaniel Hawthorne in the Scarlet Letter The Catholic dogma was to her nothing more than a set of rules .

  12. 现在让我们将注意力集中到太阳神崇拜,它与罗马教皇职位和罗马天主教的教义具有十分彻底的内在关联。

    Now , let us turn our attention to the sun god worshipping so thoroughly inherent within the papacy and the doctrine of the Roman Catholic church .

  13. 天主教的教义对她只是一套清规戒律罢了。无有众苦,但受诸乐&从《受戒》看汪曾祺的佛教文化意识

    The Catholic dogma was to her nothing more than a set of rules . " No People have Suffered , but All are Living Happily "── Buddhist Cultural Awareness of Wang Zeng-qi from Initiated into Monkhood

  14. (上图为一名修女在梵蒂冈阅读教皇方济各的《赞美你》(LaudatoSi)通谕)我并非一名学习神学的学生,因此不能宣称理解天主教会科学教义的细枝末节。

    I am not a student of theology and therefore do not claim to understand the subtleties of the Catholic Church 's teaching on science .

  15. 此外,天主教传授的教义是玛利亚也是纯洁无罪的,这才是“纯洁之胎”一说的由来。

    Additionally , the Catholic Church teaches that Mary was also conceived without sin and this is where the term " Immaculate Conception " has come from .

  16. 在或多或少的程度上,路德派教会一直寻求成为三个东西:天主教的,把教义和崇拜仪式的普通传统作为一种源泉;

    To a greater or lesser extent , the Lutheran Churches have sought to be three things : catholic , taking the common tradition of teaching and worship as a source ;