
  • 网络Angelology
  1. 她不懂天使学。

    She doesn 't know her angelology properly .

  2. 天使学神学中与天使有关的一个分支。

    The branch of theology having to do with angels .

  3. 因此她是天使,学英语口语与单词,他是雄狮都是比喻说法。

    Thus , she 's an angel and he 's a lion in battle are metaphors .

  4. 来自伦敦大学学院的罗格沃顿教授认为,那些被描绘成同时长着胳膊及羽翼的天使,从生理学角度来看,根本不可能飞得起来。

    Prof Roger Wotton , from University College London , found that flight would be impossible for angels portrayed with arms and bird-like feathered wings .