
  • 网络Cain;Caine;Gain
  1. 人类最早的故事——该隐(Cain)与亚伯(Abel)、雅各(Jacob)与以扫(Esau)——就告诉了我们这一点。

    That is the message of our earliest stories - Cain and Abel , Jacob and Esau .

  2. 和该隐是非常愤怒,他的面容下跌。

    And Cain was very wroth , and his countenance fell .

  3. 我们提出一个在时间和空间都具有二阶精度的隐式方法,这个方法基于古典的Crank-Nicholson方法与空间外推方法,该隐式方法是无条件稳定和收敛的。

    An implicit method , which is second order accurate in time and in space , was proposed . This method was based on the classical Crank-Nicholson method combined with spatial extrapolation . It was proved that the implicit method was unconditionally stable and convergent .

  4. 只是看不中该隐和他的供物。

    But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect .

  5. 《圣经》里说亚当生了该隐和亚伯。

    In the Bible it says that Adam begat Cain and abel .

  6. 说是替该隐上将搞个飞行测试。

    Said she was running flight tests for Admiral cain .

  7. 亚伯是个牧人,该隐则是个耕田人。

    Abel was a shepherd and Cain a tiller of the soil .

  8. 例如,该隐和亚伯[1],莱纳斯与露西[2],连恩与诺尔[3]。

    Cain and Abel , Linus and Lucy , Liam and Noel .

  9. 该隐,基比亚,亭纳,共十座城,还有属城的村庄。

    Kain , Gibeah and Timnah & ten towns and their villages .

  10. 该隐声技术也能影响非线性的声音现象。

    The cloaking technology also may affect nonlinear acoustic phenomena .

  11. 《该隐与亚伯》的拍摄计划进行得怎样?

    What about the schedule of shooting Cain and Abel ?

  12. 该隐,你最好不要打我假发的主意。

    Cain , you better not ask for my wigs .

  13. 该隐和亚伯的现代诠释。

    In two , Cain and Abel modern interpretations .

  14. 24若杀该隐,遭报七倍。杀拉麦,必遭报七十七倍。

    If Cain sha be avenged sevenfold , truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold .

  15. 又生了该隐的兄弟亚伯。

    Later she gave birth to his brother Abel .

  16. 该隐可以和他的一个妹妹结婚。

    Cain would have married one of his sisters .

  17. 文中给出的实例研究验证了该隐层压缩算法的有效性。

    The example study in this paper indicates that this algorithm is effective .

  18. 虽然别人没有看见该隐所做的,神却看见了。

    God saw what Cain had done , though no one else did .

  19. 该隐很生气。他的脸沉了下来。

    Cain was very angry and his face fell .

  20. 亚伯是该隐的正直的弟弟,他以上帝的教导从事。

    Abel the righteous younger brother of Cain , did things God 's way .

  21. 在该隐和亚伯的故事中,血被赋予了人性。

    In the story of Cain and Abel , blood is given a personality .

  22. 该隐与他的兄弟亚伯说话,两人正在田间。

    And Cain said to his brother , Let us go into the field ;

  23. 该隐知道神的要求,却选择了自己的办法。

    Cain knew God 's requirement , but chose to go his own way .

  24. 该隐因为妒嫉而杀了他的弟弟。

    Cain the older brother of Abel , killed his brother because of jealousy .

  25. 该隐醒来一切可悯可悲的品种。

    Of Cain awoke all that woful breed .

  26. 向该隐上将的头部开枪。

    And shoot Admiral Cain in the head .

  27. 改名叫诺娃?该隐。女孩名叫格莱特,男孩名叫亨舍儿。

    She became Nova Cain . The girl was called Gretel and the boy Hansel .

  28. 该隐不讨神的喜悦,不过亚伯讨神的喜悦。

    Cain had not found favor in God 's eyes but his brother Abel had .

  29. 自此以后,该隐就被打上了罪与恶的印记。

    And Cain is marked as guilty and evil after he has committed the crime .

  30. 该隐对弟弟亚伯说:“我们到野外去吧。”

    Cain said to his brother abel " let us go into the open country "