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  • 网络Esau;Isaac
  1. 他是以扫的孪生弟弟,雅各以欺骗的手法,从父亲那里获得祝福和以扫的长子名分。

    The younger twin brother of Esau , he used trickery to gain Isaac 's blessing1 and Esau 's birthright .

  2. 人类最早的故事——该隐(Cain)与亚伯(Abel)、雅各(Jacob)与以扫(Esau)——就告诉了我们这一点。

    That is the message of our earliest stories - Cain and Abel , Jacob and Esau .

  3. 他是以扫(Esau)的孪生弟弟,雅各以欺骗的手法,从父亲那里获得祝福和以扫的长子名分(birthright)。

    The younger twin brother of Esau , he used trickery to gain Isaac 's blessing and Esau 's birthright .

  4. 以扫说,他名雅各,岂不是正对吗,因为他欺骗了我两次。

    And he said , Is not he rightly named Jacob ?

  5. 8于是以扫住在西珥山里。以扫就是以东。

    Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir : Esau is Edom .

  6. 有一次,雅各因为欺骗了他的哥哥以扫。

    Once , Jacob cheated Esau and made him very angry .

  7. 父亲以撒喜欢活泼好动的长子以扫;

    The father Isaac preferred the outdoors boy , Esau .

  8. 同皮衣。他们就给他起名叫以扫。

    An hairy garment ; and they called his name .

  9. 于是,雅各把饼和红豆汤给了以扫;

    Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles ;

  10. 雅各与以扫为何必须分开?

    Why Jacob and Esau must separate from each other ?

  11. 以扫的隐密处,何竟被搜寻?他隐藏的宝物何竟被查出?

    But how Esau will be ransacked , his hidden treasures pillaged !

  12. 以扫就是以东,他的后代记在下面。

    Now these are the generations of Esau , who is Edom .

  13. 以撒对他儿子以扫说话,利百加也听见了。

    Now Rebekah was listening as Isaac spoke to his son Esau .

  14. 他两个儿子以扫,雅各把他葬埋了。

    And his sons Esau and Jacob buried him .

  15. 以扫又说:“你没有留下为我可祝的福吗?”

    Then he asked ," Haven 't you reserved any blessing for me ?"

  16. 以撒的儿子是以扫和以色列。

    The sons of Isaac ; Esau and Israel .

  17. 这是以扫妻子巴实抹的子孙。

    These were grandsons of Esau 's wife Basemath .

  18. 以扫何竟被彻底搜寻!他隐藏的宝物,何竟被查出!

    How thoroughly searched Esau is ! How sought out his hidden treasures are !

  19. 以扫就对他起了誓,把长子的名分卖给雅各。

    So he swore an oath to him , selling his birthright to Jacob .

  20. 这是从以扫妻子,亚拿的女儿,阿何利巴玛子孙中所出的族长。

    These were the chiefs descended from Esau 's wife Oholibamah daughter of Anah .

  21. 这都是以扫的儿子,是在迦南地生的。

    These were the sons of Esau , who were born to him in Canaan .

  22. 以扫的妻子阿何利巴玛的子孙中有:耶乌施族长,雅兰族长,可拉族长。

    The sons of Esau 's wife Oholibamah : Chiefs Jeush , Jalam and Korah .

  23. 以扫的儿子是以利法,流珥,耶乌施,雅兰,可拉。

    The sons of esau : eliphaz , Reuel and jeush and Jalam and korah .

  24. 于是,以扫当日起行,回往西珥去了。

    So esau , turning back that day , went on his way to seir .

  25. 以扫是以撒最喜爱的儿子。

    Esau was Isaac 's favorite son .

  26. 亚玛力人是以扫的后裔。

    The Amalekites were descended from Esau .

  27. 以扫说:“容我把跟随我的人留几个在你这里。”

    Esau said , " then let me leave some of my men with you . "

  28. 这里没有详述,但我们知道,以扫只想喝这汤。

    We aren 't told , but we do know that Esau wanted only the stew .

  29. 正如经上所记,雅各是我所爱的,以扫是我所恶的。

    As it is written , Jacob have I loved , but Esau have I hated .

  30. 以扫的儿子流珥的子孙中有:拿哈族长,谢拉族长,沙玛族长,米撒族长。

    The sons of Esau 's son Reuel : Chiefs Nahath , Zerah , Shammah and Mizzah .