
zhōng xīn
  • center;centre;centrality;central;hub;heart;middle;pivot;nucleus;kernel;centre stage;centrum;heartbeat;nub;centre of a storm
中心 [zhōng xīn]
  • (1) [center;heart;middle;nucleus]

  • (2) 跟四周距离相等的位置;中央

  • 花园的中心有一个池塘

  • (3) 在某一方面占重要地位的城市或地区;某一方面的主要机构

  • 商业中心

  • (4) [central]∶事物的主要部分

  • 中心工作

  • (5) [heart]∶内心

  • 我有嘉宾,中心喜之

中心[zhōng xīn]
  1. 艺术中心有票,每张2.50英镑。

    Tickets are available from the Arts Centre at £ 2.50 .

  2. 她被推到了政治舞台的中心。

    She was forced to the centre of the political stage .

  3. 他们住的公寓恰巧在全城的中心。

    Their apartment is slap bang in the middle of town .

  4. 战俘营被委婉地称作“再训练中心”。

    The prison camps were euphemistically called ' retraining centres ' .

  5. 购物中心承受了全部爆炸力。

    The shopping centre took the full force of the blast .

  6. 这个中心开展划艇、帆船之类的活动。

    The centre offers activities like canoeing and sailing and such .

  7. 这个中心的目的是使年轻人解除对毒品的依赖。

    The centre aims to free young people from dependency on drugs .

  8. 这家旅馆位于中心地带,去往所有主要景点都很方便。

    The hotel is centrally located for all major attractions .

  9. 这是地面指挥中心呼叫航天飞机“发现号”。

    This is Mission Control calling the space shuttle Discovery .

  10. 本中心有齐全的划船和登山设备。

    The centre is well equipped for canoeing and mountaineering .

  11. 我觉得她没有领会故事的中心意思。

    I don 't think she saw the point of the story .

  12. 交通信号灯由中心计算机控制。

    The traffic lights are controlled by a central computer .

  13. 他不得不以孩子们为中心来安排自己的生活。

    He has to organize his life round the kids .

  14. 他们在中心球场历时四个小时的比赛是一个壮举。

    Their four-hour match on Centre Court was an epic .

  15. 西非是可可豆贸易的中心。

    West Africa was the pivot of the cocoa trade .

  16. 客人在健身中心享受各种各样的美容服务。

    Guests at the health spa receive a range of beauty treatments .

  17. 工厂从旧城中心逐渐向外扩展。

    Factories were spreading outwards from the old heart of the town .

  18. 新建的体育中心将在六月份如期开放。

    The new sports complex is on target to open in June .

  19. 这家商店位于商业中心一个非常理想的位置。

    The store has a prime position in the mall .

  20. 这座城堡是城市的中心。

    The castle forms the focal point of the city .

  21. 法官的判决成了法律界谈论的中心。

    The judge 's decision became a legal talking point .

  22. 由于害怕恐怖分子袭击,会议中心已变成了堡垒。

    Fear of terrorist attack has turned the conference centre into a fortress .

  23. 菲戈从左侧向场中心移动以求得分。

    Figo came infield from the left to score .

  24. 建筑师为提议建设的购物中心做了一个比例模型。

    The architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex .

  25. 新的体育运动中心将减轻老体育运动中心的压力。

    The new sports centre will take the pressure off the old one .

  26. 身为幼女,她一直是大家关注的中心。

    As the youngest child , she was always the centre of attention .

  27. 她以为整个世界都以她为中心。

    She thinks that the world revolves around her .

  28. 他们正寻求在国家能源政策方面起中心指导作用。

    They are seeking a central , directive role in national energy policy .

  29. 这个中心的运作不以营利为目的。

    The centre is run on a non-profit basis .

  30. 在咨询中心工作的全部是志愿者。

    The advice centre is staffed entirely by volunteers .