
  • 网络chinese worker;china workers
  1. 这小说反映了解放后中国工人的生活。

    This novel reflect the life of the chinese worker after liberation .

  2. 当代中国工人队伍的新变化

    Changes of Contemporary Chinese Worker Group

  3. 中国工人已翻修了长城站,该站是中国在南极洲运行五个基地计划的至关重要的部分,包括一个室内羽毛球场和足够150人的睡眠区。

    Chinese laborers have updated the Great Wall Station , a vital part of China 's plan to operate five basses on Antarctica , complete with an indoor badminton court and sleeping quarters for 150 people .

  4. 他补充道,该组织还绑架了5名中国工人,并将与国际红十字组织(internationalredcross)联系,以便释放他们。

    He added that the ONLF had taken five Chinese workers alive , and would be in touch with the International Red Cross to return them .

  5. 据世界银行(worldbank)估计,自上世纪90年代中期以来,中国工人每年人均产出增长超过8%。但工人数量过剩意味着工资水平一直停留在低位。

    The World Bank estimates that output per worker has grown more than 8 % a year since the mid 1990s . But a glut of workers means wages have stayed low .

  6. 生存资源剥夺与传统体制依赖:当代中国工人集体行动的逻辑&对河南省Z市Z厂兼并事件的个案研究

    Deprivation of Living Resource and Dependence on Traditional System : The Logic of Contemporary Chinese Workers ' Collective Action & A Case Study on Annexation of Z Factory in Z City of Henan Province

  7. 此次罢工是中国工人又一次以行动反对涉及自己雇主的、金额达数十亿美元的并购交易。此前,固铂轮胎(CooperTire)员工采取行动抗议阿波罗轮胎公司(ApolloTyres)的收购提议。

    Their strike action was the latest example of Chinese workers challenging multibillion-dollar deals involving their employers , following action by employees of Cooper Tire after a takeover proposal from by Apollo Tyres .

  8. 罗马路易斯大学(UniversityofLUISS)的移民专家阿方索•乔达诺(AlfonsoGiordano)表示,中国工人仍然在意大利寻找机遇,因为他们年轻而勤奋。

    Alfonso Giordano , an expert in migration at the University of LUISS in Rome , says that Chinese workers are still finding opportunities in Italy because they are young and work hard .

  9. KTC在老挝开了一家工厂,但与晶苑集团的情况一样,那里的工人们生产的服装比鹤山工厂里生产的更简单,因为老挝工人的技术不如中国工人。

    KTC has opened a factory in Laos but , as in the case of Crystal Group , the workers there make less complicated garments than in Heshan because they do not have the same skills as their Chinese peers .

  10. 大约有1500名中国工人死于爆炸和岩石塌方

    An estimated 1500 Chinese die in explosions and rock slides .

  11. 信实工业安排了1800名中国工人来建造该项目。

    Reliance has deployed 1800 Chinese workers to build the project .

  12. 忘记所有关于中国工人待遇的道德说教吧。

    Forget all the moralising about the treatment of Chinese workers .

  13. 当代中国工人价值取向:状况与特点

    The Value Orientation of Contemporary Chinese Workers : Status and Characteristics

  14. 赵世炎对中国工人运动的杰出贡献

    Zhao Shiyan 's Brilliant Contribution to the Chinese Working Class Movement

  15. 几乎每一个你们拥有的东西都有中国工人的劳动。

    Practically everything you own has been touched by Chinese labor .

  16. 当地商业急需中国工人,因为缺少清醒的本地劳动力。

    Businesses crave Chinese workers , for want of sober indigenous ones .

  17. 在左侧,中国工人正在清理灌木丛。

    On the left , Chinese workers are clearing bushland .

  18. 中国工人阶级结构变化的历史沿革及原因

    Historical evolution and reasons of structural changes in China 's working class

  19. 超过10000名中国工人在最凶险的环境中工作,工资反而更少

    Over 10000 Chinese laborers earn less and do the deadliest jobs .

  20. 这里的所有拖拉机都是由中国工人制造的。

    All the tractors here have been made by the Chinese workers .

  21. 新的历史起点上中国工人阶级与中国工会的历史使命

    Chinese Working-class and Historical Mission of Chinese Trade Union at Present Stage

  22. 中国工人退休后都可领取养老金。

    Workers in China can all get a pension after they retire .

  23. 遇袭后,中国工人全部安全。

    The Chinese workers were all safe following the attack .

  24. 农民工:中国工人阶级的新成员

    The Peasant Workers : The New Members of the Industrial Workers in China

  25. 分析师预计,中国工人工资的增幅会进一步加大,劳资双方的谈判也会增加。

    Analysts forecast wages will rise more sharply and collective bargaining will increase .

  26. 充分肯定中国工人阶级的先进性

    Fully affirm the advancedness of the Chinese working class

  27. 中国工人是企业的主人。

    Chinese workers are the masters of their enterprises .

  28. 提高中国工人工资也有助于提高家庭收入。

    Raising Chinese wages will help household income too .

  29. 新时期中国工人阶级先进性的主要表现

    A Major Manifestation of the Advanced Working Oass of China in a New Period

  30. 试析中国工人阶级的若干变化

    About the Changes in the Chinese Working Class