
  • 网络Connective;Logical Connective
  1. FLn的标准真值集为单位区间[0,1],并且联结词的真值函数使得[0,1]成为一个真值代数。

    In FLn , the standard set of truth-values is the unit interval [ 0,1 ] and the truth functions of connective make it to be an algebra of truth degrees .

  2. 泛蕴涵联结词是广泛存在于经验性思维、不确定性推理和各种多值逻辑系统中并且具有普遍意义的逻辑运算之一。

    The universal implication connective is one of the logical operations that widely exist in experienced thinking , uncertain reasoning , all kinds of multi-valued logical systems and have general significance .

  3. 而这种基本粒被当做这种逻辑中的一个G原子,用G逻辑联结词组合这些G原子便得到这种逻辑中的G公式。

    And the elementary granules are used as G - atoms in the logic . A G - formula in the logic is combined by the G - atoms with granular logical connectives .

  4. 如所知,中介逻辑的命题演算系统MP有三个命题联结词,即蕴涵词→,对立否定词和模糊否定词~。

    It is known that MP has three propositional connectives : The implication symbol →, the opposite negation and the fuzzy negation ~ .

  5. 依据联结词树图规则,我们首先构造出信息流逻辑极小树图系统IS,然后根据不同性质的信息流关系设置不同的R树图规则并构造出IS的不同扩张系统。

    Tableau systems of IF logic , which can embody corresponding semantic characteristics , are constructed , the minimal system IS based the connective tableau rules followed by its different extended systems based on the different R rules set up according to the different kinds of IF relationship .

  6. 针对SLO的形式语义,该文给出各个联结词的列表证明规则,构造出列表证明系统SLO,并且证明了这一系统相对SLO语义是可靠的和完全的。

    Aiming at the formal semantics of SLO , this paper , above all , provides various tableau rules for conversion and connectives respectively and then constructs a tableau system SLO . Finally it proves this system is sound and complete with respect to the semantics of SLO .

  7. 正确使用同时当成名词子句的联结词/主词。

    Skill 10 : Use Noun Clause Connectors / Subjects Correctly .

  8. 其中,一阶全功能联结词集合2个;

    We have 2 first-order adequate sets of connectives ;

  9. 模糊错误逻辑事物毁灭转化联结词研究

    Research on Fuzzy Error - logic Destruction Transforming Word

  10. 模糊错误逻辑论域分解转化联结词研究

    Research on Fuzzy Error-logic Decomposition Transformation Word in Domain

  11. 三阶全功能联结词集合3个;

    And 3 third-order adequate sets of connectives ;

  12. 论域分解条件下逻辑分解转化联接词与外延联结词小与的关系

    The Relation of Logic Join Word and Extension Word on the Condition of Decomposition

  13. 全功能联结词集合的一个注记

    One note for adequate sets of connectives

  14. 量词对7种联结词的分配律&计算机自动推理的1个实例

    Distributive Laws of the Quantifiers to 7 Connectives ── An Example of Computer Automated Reasoning

  15. 文中还定义了逻辑联结词的运算和公式的语义模型。

    It also defines the operation of logical connectives and the semantic model of the formula .

  16. 证券投资风险的规律研究&模糊错误逻辑分解转化联结词研究

    Research in Laws of Risk of Investment in Securities & Research in Decomposition Transformation-word in Fuzzy Error-logic

  17. 在将命题符号化时,逻辑联结词的正确使用最为关键。

    And when making the proposition into symbolized , it is the most key to use logical connectives correctly .

  18. 它可由非纯真值的充分条件假言联结词若,则来刻划。

    It can be expressed by hypothetical connectives of sufficient condition of non-truth value " if , unless " .

  19. 论文首先对文[6]中泛蕴涵联结词的定义进行改进,使其定义更为严格且易于运算,并研究了泛蕴涵联接词的若干性质;

    In this paper the definition of universal implication inis updated first , and the properties of universal implication are studied ;

  20. MP~与各种命题联结词含量完全的三值逻辑在语言表达能力上的等效性研究

    Studies on the equivalence between mp ~ and other 3-valued logics with complete contents of propositional connectives about their linguistic expressive power

  21. 除了表示简单印象的名字,我们最起码还需要很多辅助性的联结词;事实上,我们需要的要比这些多得多。

    At the very least we are going to need various auxiliary connectives ; and in fact we shall need much more .

  22. 从而进一步给出D-后承关系的表示性质,并由此证明了任意无联结词形式的累积非单调后承关系,可以用抽象缺省推理框架来表示。

    Based on representation properties of D-consequence relations , it proves that any cumulative nonmonotonic consequence relation with the connective-free form can be represented by ADRFs .

  23. 定义了与经典二值逻辑相容的蕴涵联结词,克服了条件概率不能用于推理的缺点。

    Implication connectives which are compatible with classical two-valued logic were defined , and they overcome the shortcoming that conditional probability can not be used to inference .

  24. 命题溯因推理模式主要涉及蕴涵词的使用,然而借助命题逻辑中的定义,也可以对其它命题联结词在溯因推理中的运用进行分析。

    Propositional abductive reasoning is mainly concerned with the use of implication . We also analyze use of other propositional connectives in abductive reasoning by definitions of them in propositional logic .

  25. 本文对数理逻辑中的各种联结词所构成的集合进行了讨论,得到全功能联结词集合,指出了12个全功能联结词集合。

    This paper discusses the sets which are made of all kinds of connectives in the mathematical logic , gets adequate sets of connectives , and indicates 12 adequate sets of connectives .

  26. 关于一般二元运算和命题联结词运算结合律的几个问题我们历来讲,这是个战略问题,是决定我们命运的问题。

    On Relation between Associative Law of Binary Operations and Sentential connective ; We constantly stress that it is a question of strategic importance on which the very destiny of our Party depends .

  27. 借助于软件工程中“由粗到细,逐层分解”的思想,定义了对各种逻辑联结词进行处理的基本模型。

    Based on the idea of " analyze stage by stage , from coarse to minute " in software engineering , the basic models of processing all kinds of logic connectives are defined .

  28. 最后通过应用消错逻辑理论,分析各危机逻辑系统中置换转化联结词与内涵联结词内涵分离的关系,揭示出企业危机系统中错误之间的置换转化关系,并得到了一个定理。

    At last , applying the error logic theory , analyse the relationship between the replacement transformation word and connotative separation , reveals the replacement transformation relationship between the errors in enterprise 's crisis system .

  29. 本文以证券投资风险的传递、转化为研究背景,在文[1]的基础上,为探索控制与防范证券风险的技术而主要研究模糊错误逻辑分解转化联结词。

    In this paper , transforming and transferring of risk of investment in securities are taken as research underground . On the basis of document [ 1 ] , decomposition transformation-word of fuzzy error-logic is mainly researched for the purpose of controlling and preventing risks of investment in securities .