
  • 网络the federalist papers
  1. 只有8%的人能够说出《联邦党人文集》(FederalistPapers)的任何一名作者。

    Only 8 per cent could name even one author of the Federalist Papers .

  2. 《联邦党人文集》是现代政治学的经典名著,被誉为美国宪法的圣经,对美国宪法的意涵作了深度的理论阐述。

    The Federalist Papers , as a classic masterpiece of the modern political science , has been honored as the Bible of American Constitution and expanded profoundly on the meaning of the Constitution of the Unite States in theory .

  3. 人性《联邦党人文集》的作者关注平民政府与人性的关系。

    The writers of The Federalist Papers were concerned about the relationship between popular government and human nature .

  4. 从1787联邦党人文集到1798费吉尼亚决议:詹姆士麦迪逊变化的意识形态&一个现实主义理论的解释

    Form Federalist Papers ( 1787 ) to the Virginia Resolution ( 1798 ): James Madison 's Changing Ideological World & a Realist Interpretation

  5. 该文以《联邦党人文集》为例进行分析,力图证明在立宪选择过程中,对立宪设计方案的理性解释不仅依赖于严密的选择逻辑,而且必须得到政治科学的理论支撑;

    Based on the analysis of The Federalist , the paper attempts to demonstrate that the rational explanation of constitutional resolution during the process of the constitutional choices depends not only on the strict logic of choice , but also on the theoretical support of political science .