
  • 网络on war;Clausewitz on War
  1. 《孙子兵法》与《战争论》军事思想体系的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Military Ideology between Military Science of Sun Tzu and On War

  2. 《孙子兵法》和《战争论》是不同历史时代、战争环境和文化土壤条件下的产物。

    Military Science of Sun Tzu and On War are products of different historic period , war environment and cultural background .

  3. 西方有克劳塞维茨的《战争论》。

    In the West there is On War by Clausewitz .

  4. 这是我的身体战争论。

    This is my pee body war winning theory .

  5. 《战争论》中的军事地理思想初探

    The Military & Geographical Viewpoints in on Warfare

  6. 由伊拉克战争论文明冲突论本质

    The Theory of Civilization Conflict from Iraq War

  7. 从伊拉克战争论夺取制空权的军事手段

    On Military Measures for Air Supremacy from the Iraq War On Supremacy of Law On the Military Power

  8. 克劳塞维茨是德国军事理论家,他的遗著《战争论》是一部资产阶级军事理论的经典著作,成为世界学术名著。

    As a German military theorist , Clausewitz 's book " On War " is known sa a classics of capitalist military theory and a famous one in the academic circles of the world .

  9. 吉田茂的皇国史观包含着皇室中心论、天皇无罪论、否定对美战争论、神道观等内容。

    Yoshida Shigeru 's conception of imperial history includes imperial central view , the view of Tenno 's innocence , the view of negation of war towards USA , the view of Shinto and so on .

  10. 克劳塞维茨《战争论》显现出资本主义时代的新思维,比之其他的兵法书,克劳塞维茨的军事理论显示内容更丰富,思维更深刻。它为现代军事理论奠下基础,做出不可磨灭贡献。

    New idea of capitalist times is reflected in the book , however his military theory is richer and more profound as compared with similar books , laying foundation for contemporary military theory and making an indelible contribution .

  11. 我们是战争消灭论者,我们是不要战争的;

    We are advocates of the abolition of war , we do not want war ;

  12. 落潮中的探索与发展&二十世纪九十年代革命历史战争小说论

    Exploration and Development in the Falling Tide Fictions on Wars of Revolutionary History of the 1990s

  13. 欧洲战争原因论&对中世纪以来欧洲战争起因的研究

    On the Causes of European Wars ── Study on the Causes of European Wars since the Middle Century

  14. 北一辉还把自己所秉持的战争进化论不自觉的引申到了战争正义论上,为后来日本的侵华战争制造了理论根据。

    He also uphold his " war of the theory of evolution " unconsciously extended to the " just war theory ", for the subsequent war of aggression against Japan created a theoretical basis .

  15. 南朝战争诗风格论

    The Style of the Warfare Poems in the Southern Dynasties

  16. 中国战争女神源流论

    The Study of Evolutions of War Goddesses in China

  17. 陈毅元帅战争诗词简论

    War Poems Composed by Marshal CHEN Yi

  18. 日军在中国华北的战争犯罪述论

    A general survey of the war crimes committed by the Japanese soldiers in Northeast China

  19. 西晋党争与伐吴战争之关系论略

    On the relationship between the fractional strife in the Western Jin Dynasty and the War of Attacking the Kingdom of Wu

  20. 记录美国南北战争的史诗&论惠特曼的战争诗歌

    An Epic Recording of the Civil War & On Whitman 's War Poetry

  21. 20世纪的大部分时间亚洲都被战争的地理政治论支配着。

    For much of the20th century , Asia was dominated by the geopolitical tides of war .

  22. 17年时期英雄史诗型战争小说审美特征论&以《保卫延安》型战争小说为例

    Aesthetic character of war novels of epic kind from 1949 to 1966 : taking the war novel Defending Yan'an as an example

  23. 从明中晚期到鸦片战争前后的本体论学说主要表现为对宋明道学本体论的批评和对新的本体论形态的探求。

    The topics of ontological theories from latter Ming dynasty to the Opium War focus on two subjects : criticizing ontological theories of Song and Ming dynasties and constructing new ontological theories .

  24. 战争是人类社会中最激烈的竞争活动,《孙子兵法》和《战争论》就是对战争进行理论总结的经典之作,这两部著作极大地启发了对企业竞争的深入研究。

    War is the fiercest competition in human society , while Military Science of Sun Tzu and On War are two theoretical masterpieces on war , which stimulate a further study on business competition .