
  1. 热带气旋与中纬度环流系统相互作用的研究进展

    An overview on the interaction between tropical cyclone and mid-latitude weater systems

  2. 近年来,热带气旋与中纬度环流系统的相互作用已成为国际台风界的研究焦点之一。

    Recently , the interaction between TC and mid-latitude weather system has become a research focus .

  3. E、C型过程期间不仅欧亚中高纬度环流有明显差异,在北半球的其它地区也有明显差异。

    During the course of pattern E and C , not only in Eurasia mid-high latitude but also in other areas of Northern Hemisphere have the circulation obvious differences .

  4. 夏季亚欧中高纬度环流的集合预报效果检验

    The Ensemble Forecasting Verification on the Summer Eurasian Middle-high Latitude Circulation

  5. 2005年春末初夏云南异常干旱与中高纬度环流

    Severe Drought in the Early Summer of 2005 in Yunnan and Middle-high Latitudes Circulation

  6. 2003年夏季中高纬度环流与淮河流域降水

    Middle-high Latitude Circulation and Rainfall of Huaihe River Basin in the Summer of 2003

  7. 哈得孙湾海冰也对中高纬度环流有明显的影响。

    The anomaly of sea-ice in this area produced anomaly of circulation in middle-high latitude .

  8. 冬季极涡异常变化对应于对流层中高纬度环流异常的型为北极涛动和副热带涛动。

    The anomalous variation of polar vortex in winter corresponds to the situation that the pattern of mid-high latitude circulation anomaly in troposphere is AO and STO .

  9. 夏季印度季风和东亚季风环流的主要差异之一在于:东亚夏季风环流受中高纬度环流影响很大。

    In the paper , It had been pointed out that the main difference between Indian and East Asian summer monsoon is the circulation of mid high latitude had great influence on East Asian Summer monsoon .

  10. 2004年6月全省月平均雨量之少,为江西1959年以来第二位。对这样1个异常的气候事件,分析了气候背景、中高纬度环流和副热带高压变化特征;

    The average rainfall amount in Jiangxi province during June of 2004 is extremely small , which takes the second place since 1959 . The climatic background , mid-high latitude circulation and subtropical high of such a abnormal climate event is analyzed .

  11. 利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料合成分析表明,在不同的年代际背景下ENSO引起的东亚中高纬度大气环流异常型发生了明显改变是ENSO和降水气温关系发生年代际变化的原因。

    Based on the composite analysis of the NCAR / NCEP reanalyze datasets , significant differences existing in ENSO-related atmospheric circulation anomaly in East Asia during pre-and post-shift periods may be responsible for the interdecadal variation of relationships between ENSO and surface air temperature and precipitation in China .

  12. 1950年平均西风急流的位置正好处于中纬度的逆环流之中。

    In the Middle The average jet stream of 1950 is situated in the middle cell .

  13. 祁连山云量受西太平洋副热带高压、中纬度纬向环流和太阳活动影响。

    Cloudage over the Qilian Mountains is affected by the west-Pacific subtropical high , mid-latitude zonal circulation and solar activity .

  14. 外源强迫对夏季中高纬度持续环流及其年代际变化的作用是不可忽视的。

    ( 2 ) the decadal variance of the summer persistent circulation patterns over Eurasia mid-high latitude induced by the external source force can 't be ignored .

  15. 该海区的海冰异常造成中、高纬度环流的异常,在极区与欧亚高纬地区之间存在距平波列,其中心分别位于极区(格陵兰岛周围)、东西伯利亚、北太平洋。

    There was an obvious wave train in high latitude area , its centers located at polar region surrounding Greenland island , East Siberian , and north Pacific .

  16. 利用1971&2000年NCEP再分析资料和中央气象台提供的我国强冷空气过程统计资料,分析了近30年冬半年北极区及中高纬度地区大气环流形势的气候变化以及对中国强冷事件的影响。

    Based on the NCEP reanalysis data and the cold air outburst processes in each year provided by Central Meteorological Observatory ( CMO ) in 1971-2000 , the climate changes of Arctic atmospheric circulation feature and its effect on strong cold events in China are studied .

  17. 中高纬度纬向环流占优势;台风活动较少。

    More obvious latitudinal circulation at middle high latitudes , less typhoons .

  18. 中纬度海洋对大气环流的影响有多大,目前还很不清楚。

    It is at present far from clear how much the mid-latitude ocean affects the atmospheric circulation .

  19. 中纬度海温异常与环流变化的数值模拟辐射计光谱分布变化对遥感洋面亮温的影响

    A NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THE EFFECT OF THE ANOMALOUS SST UPON THE GENERAL CIRCULATION IN THE MIDDLE LATITUDES Impact of the Change of Spectrum Distribution in IR Rediometer on Remote Sensing of Ocean Surface Brightness Temperature

  20. 结果表明,不同热带太平洋地区(西、中、东太平洋)海温对中高纬度大气环流的影响,或严格地说,它们之间的相互影响是不同的。

    It is showed that the influence of SST in the various region ( e. g. west , middle and east Pacific Ocean ) on the atmospheric circulation in the middle and high latitude is different .