
  1. 我们正在等卸支线驳的中转集装箱转装到本航次上。

    We are waiting for the transshipment containers from the feeder barge being loaded to this voyage .

  2. 其中集装箱堆场作为堆放、存贮、中转集装箱的重要场地,是集装箱港口最为重要的空间资源。

    The container yard as a place for stacking , storage and transit containers , is the most important container terminal space resources .

  3. 根据国家铁路集装箱运输发展规划,我国将形成以中心站为到发及中转基地、以集装箱专办站为辅助、以集装箱办理站为补充的覆盖全国的集装箱运输网络。

    According to the railway container transportation development plan , China will form the container transportation network that covers the whole country with the center station as arrival-departure and transfer base , handing station as assistant , and regional station as supplement .