
  • 网络Snow;Moderate snow
  1. 一场大规模小到中雪

    Big swath of light to moderate snow

  2. 新疆的阿尔泰地区和内蒙古的根河市下了中雪,预计未来两天雪会下得更多。

    The Altay Prefecture in Xinjiang and the Genhe city in Inner Mongolia have had moderate snow fall , with more expected in the next two days .

  3. 论《雪国》中雪的意象的多重意蕴

    On Multiple Meanings of " Snow " Image in Snow Country

  4. 太原市气象部门11时许采集的数据显示,该市已普降中雪。

    Taiyuan meteorological data collected by11 o'clock , the city has Heavy Snow .

  5. 黑龙江省东部森林中雪的水文效益的初步研究

    A preliminary study on hydrological effects of snow in the forest of East Heilongjiang

  6. 结果:26例中雪卡毒素阳性25例,阳性率为96%。

    Results : 25 out of 26 patients were tested ciguatoxin in their serum . Positive rate was 96 % .

  7. 向死而生&评《死者》中雪的象征意义象征意向在《了不起的盖茨比》中的运用

    To live by confronting death : A comment on the symbolic meaning of the snow in " The Dead Symbolic Meaning in " The Great Gatsby

  8. 但由于文化的因素和认知的差异,也有很多不同的隐喻表达,如在汉语诗歌中雪是花,而在英语诗歌中甜美,和平和宁静是花等等。

    But there are still some unique metaphorical expressions , such as Snow is Flower in Chinese and Sweetness , Peace and Tranquility is flower in English and so on .

  9. 在《红楼梦》中雪意象不仅象征着人物的命运和性格,而且表现了作品的悲剧性主题,在作品中有着非常重要的作用。

    The image of snow in A Dream of Red Mansions contributes a lot to both symbolizing the personality and the fate of the characters and reflecting the tragic theme of the work .

  10. 报道称,周六最高气温将徘徊在零下2度,周日将下降到零下6度,北京大部分地区将有中雪。

    It said Saturday 's maximum temperature would be around minus two degrees Celsius , and would drop to minus six Sunday , when most parts of the city would expect moderate snow .

  11. 一位新疆居民说,“晚上非常冷。早上和下午我去商店时都会觉的手冷。”大部分地区在未来几天还会迎来小到大雨,北部地区还会有小到中雪。

    Xinjiang Resident , said , " It 's very cold at night . My hands feel cold when I go to the shop in the morning and afternoon . " Most parts of the country will also see light to heavy rain in the next few days , and light to moderate snow may fall in northern China .