
  • 网络temporary line
  1. 临时线路已经酌情拆除;

    Temporary connections have been removed as appropriate .

  2. 我项目部拟对生活及生产临时用电线路铺设作如下图示,可否,请批准!

    My item ministry is drift to life and manufacture temporarily in the way of the wire route to build to act as the following picture to notify , Whether or not , Please approve !

  3. 系统软件可通过串口升级,显示屏同步显示报站信息及广告,可同时存储多条线路,便于公交车临时更换运营线路。

    The software can be promoted through the serial port . The display provides real-time next stop information and advertisement concurrently . The memorizer can store multiple routes information at the same time to facilitate the replacement of temporary bus line .

  4. 沙尘暴过后,立即检查现场的临时设施的破坏情况,及时排除临时用电线路险情。

    The temporary facilities shall be inspected immediately after the sand storm and eliminate possible risks of temporary power lines .