
  • 网络Linyi City
  1. 临沂市尘肺合并肺结核调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of pneumoconiosis combined with tuberculosis in Linyi City

  2. 临沂市在全省乃至全国具有一定的代表性。

    Linyi City is a typical example all over the country .

  3. 临沂市GDP的最优加权组合预测

    A Forecast of the Optimum Weighted Composition of GDP in Linyi

  4. 临沂市肝癌患者HBV、HCV双重感染的研究

    Double infection of HBV and HCV of liver cancer cases

  5. 目的摸清临沂市河东区肾综合征出血热(HFRS)人间及兽间疫情,以便有效控制HFRS流行。

    Objective To investigate the epidemiological situations of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome ( HFRS ) among both human beings and animals for controlling prevalence of HFRS effectively .

  6. 临沂市农业旅游现状分析及发展对策研究

    Analysis on Linyi Agricultural Tourism Status and Research on Development Tactics

  7. 临沂市城市商业批发市场可持续发展研究

    Research on the sustainable development of urban wholesale market in Linyi

  8. 关于临沂市公务员能力建设的研究

    Study on the Construction of Civil Servants ' Ability in Linyi

  9. 临沂市贯彻实施《矿产资源法》情况调研报告

    Findings Report on Implementing Mineral Resources Law in City Linxi

  10. 临沂市土地利用&覆被变化初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Land Use / Cover Change of LinYi City

  11. 临沂市1979~2004年麻疹疫情分析

    Analysis on Measles Epidemiological Characteristics in Linyi City from 1979 to 2004

  12. 临沂市地热地质条件及开发利用效益分析

    Analysis on Geothermal Resource Condition and Its Development Benefit in Linyi City

  13. 临沂市居民肠道寄生虫感染调查

    Investigation of intestinal parasitic infection among residents of Linyi City

  14. 关于临沂市旅游资源开发的思考

    On the Thinking of the Development of Tour Resources in Linyi Region

  15. 临沂市肾综合征出血热时空流行动态混沌分形分析

    Chaos fractal analysis of the spatio-temporal dynamic of HFRS in Linyi City

  16. 城市人居环境宜居性评价研究&以临沂市为例

    Evaluation of City Inhabitable Environment Quality & Taking Linyi as a Case

  17. 临沂市耕地数量变化分析

    Analysis of the Change of Arable-land Area in Linyi City

  18. 临沂市有机农业发展现状及其展望

    Current Status and Development of Organic Farming in Linyi City

  19. 临沂市城市土地集约利用初探

    Study on Intensive Use of Urban Land of Linyi City

  20. 临沂市红色旅游文化产品的定位与开发

    Localization and Development on Cultural Product of Red Tourism in Linyi City

  21. 山东省临沂市农业区域综合开发研究

    Study on comprehensive of Linyi agricultural area in Shandong Province

  22. 临沂市口腔医疗机构消毒工作质量调查

    Survey on Quality of Disinfection Work in Stomatological Institutions of Lin'yi City

  23. 临沂市预防控制麻疹的研究

    Study on the Effects of Preventing and Controlling Measles in Linyi City

  24. 临沂市农业与农村可持续发展探讨

    A discussion on agriculture and rural area sustainable development in Linyi City

  25. 临沂市旅游业可持续发展的条件及对策

    The Conditions and Measures for the Sustainable Development of Tourism in Linyi

  26. 临沂市生物质能源资源潜力与开发战略研究

    Study on Biomass Energy Resource Potentiality and Development Strategy in Linyi City

  27. 临沂市中学篮球教学现状与对策研究

    Current situation of basketball teaching at middle shools of Linyi

  28. 临沂市农村建设用地规模布局的适宜性评价

    Evaluation on Suitability of Rural Constructive Land Scale and Distribution in Linyi

  29. 临沂市农地整理的模式研究

    Research on the Model of Rural Land Arrangement in Linyi

  30. 临沂市国际商贸批发中心建设研究

    The Construction of International Trade and Business Centre in Linyi