
zhǔ rèn
  • director;head;chairman;director head
主任 [zhǔ rèn]
  • [director head;chairman] 职位名称。机构或部门的主要负责人

  • 系主任

  • 办公室主任

  • 计委主任

  • 居民委员会主任

主任[zhǔ rèn]
  1. 他们反对任命她为副主任。

    They opposed her nomination to the post of Deputy Director .

  2. 主任的讲话显然令我们感觉索然无味。

    We were distinctly underwhelmed by the director 's speech .

  3. 主任辞职以示抗议这项决定。

    The director resigned in protest at the decision .

  4. 新来的主任确实使事情有了进展。

    The new director has really got things moving .

  5. 她的上司只有主任一个。

    She has only the director over her .

  6. 主任可能会损失最大。

    The director has the most to lose .

  7. 财务部主任的突然辞职使得这家公司岌岌可危。

    The sudden resignation of the financial director put the company in a very vulnerable position .

  8. 如果需要进一步了解信息,请咨询教务主任。

    If you require further information , you should consult the registrar

  9. 主任说专家们的报告证明了他是正确的。

    The director said he had been vindicated by the experts ' report

  10. 这句傻话让主任一时说不出话来。

    The Chief was left speechless by this fatuous remark .

  11. 他目前是世界基督徒团契的主任医师。

    He is presently the medical director for the Fellowship of World Christians .

  12. 哈特主任独自掌控那笔资金。

    Chief Hart had sole control over that fund .

  13. 主任对他评价很高。

    The Director thought a good deal of him

  14. 研究院主任尼尔·豪沃思力图平息事态。

    Neil Howorth , director of the academy , tried to calm things down .

  15. 他仍紧张不安地等待着主任们对他的工作作出的决定。

    He was still on tenterhooks waiting for his directors ' decision about the job .

  16. 我要求见主任。

    I asked to see the Director .

  17. 正如项目主任解释的,仍有几个初期问题有待解决。

    As the director of the project explains , there are still a few teething troubles to overcome .

  18. 车间主任下令这项工作必须在3天之内完成。

    The head of the workshop ordered that the work be finished in three days .

  19. 他已调任车间主任。

    He has been transferred to be head of a workshop .

  20. 他出国已经取得系主任的同意。

    He has obtained the consent of the dean for going abroad .

  21. 新来的主任很好处。

    The new director is easy to get along with .

  22. 系主任对本系的管理非常严格。

    The Dean ruled his department with a rod of iron .

  23. 咱们得找主任商量一下。

    We ought to talk it over with the director .

  24. 三个月后,办公室主任的位置仍然空着。

    The office manager 's job is still open after three months .

  25. 在这24个讲师团成员名单中,主任和副主任医师占了13名。

    Among the24 members , there are13 directors and vice-directors .

  26. 我听到主任正训斥吉姆再次迟到。

    I could hear the director brushing Jim down for being late again .

  27. 她得到授权,可任命一位副主任。

    She is authorized to appoint an assistant director .

  28. 主任因我们所做的事而狠狠申斥了我们。

    The chief really chewed us up yesterday because of what we did .

  29. 系主任已约定晚上与我谈话。

    The Dean has arranged with me about a talk in the evening .

  30. 这位训导主任总是充满朝气蓬勃的精神。

    The dean is always full of youthful spirit .