
  • 网络main table;primary table;Master table;primary meter
  1. 外键约束,定义当主表中的记录被更新或删除时相关子记录应如何更新的规则。

    Constraint that defines rules for how related child records should be updated when a record in a master table is updated or deleted .

  2. 在使用快照复制的过程中,如果主表结构发生变化,则需要删除并重新创建快照,或者进行完全刷新,这将带来时间和资源的巨大消耗。

    During this processing , if the structure of a master table has been changed , it will have to drop and recreate the snapshot or do a full refresh , which can be extremely time and resource consuming .

  3. 除非另外指定,role名称将与主表的名称相同。

    Unless otherwise specified , the role name will be the same as the name of the primary table .

  4. SELECT填充主表。(请参阅后面的“通过staging表和其他方法增加并行性”小节。)

    See section " Increased parallelism through staging tables and other approaches " below .

  5. 在该表单上,在主表的Databases标签和Dial-upConnections标签之间插入另一个标签。

    On this form , insert another tab in the main table between the Databases and Dial-up Connections tabs .

  6. 为了最大限度确保FAT表的安全性,系统设计时将维护多份FAT表,一旦主表遭到破坏,可以马上通过从表恢复数据。

    To maximally ensure the safety of the FAT table , this file system will maintain multiple copies of the FAT table and recover data according to FAT table immediately once the main FAT table is destroyed .

  7. 因此要找到满足select语句中谓词的行,这个优化器必须将主表中的所有行上锁、读取它们的值并与谓词中提供的值进行比较。

    So to find the row that satisfies the predicate in the select statement , the optimizer has to lock , read in , and compare all the rows in the main table with the value supplied in the predicate .

  8. 动态扩展的子表:构建子表来存储主表记录的所有扩展字段,子表通过记录ID列与主表相关联。

    Dynamic extended sub-table : A sub-table , which associates with the main table via the record ID column , is built to store all the extended fields of the records in the main table .

  9. 在使用索引表的情况下,DB2首先对索引表执行索引查找,然后将对应的行和包含CLOB的主表相结合。

    With side tables , DB2 first performs an index lookup on the side table and then joins the corresponding row with the main table that contains the CLOBs .

  10. 不过,单单就性能而言,在V8中还是使用load直接将表装载到主表要快些,因为在V8中的load不像V7中那样有并发限制。

    However , for performance alone , in V8 it 's usually better to use load directly into the main table , because load doesn 't have the concurrency restrictions it had in V7 .

  11. 具体分析方法是基于ohlson的价格模型,通过spss统计分析方法对2006年到2010年上半年财务报表中的三张主表的财务数据与股价的关系来研究会计信息的价值相关性。

    Specific analysis method is based on the price model ohlson by spss statistical analysis for 2006 and 2010 financial statements of the three main table of financial data and stock prices to study the relationship between the value relevance of accounting information .

  12. 这就在主表中创建了一个条目。

    This creates an entry in the hosts table .

  13. 主表具有父类和子类的所有列。

    The master table has all of the columns of the parent and all subclasses .

  14. 对于主表的记录,转换器对非主表进行查找。

    The transformer carries out a lookup action in non-primary tables for records of the primary table .

  15. 对于主表的每条记录,只从非主表中检索一条记录。

    For a single record of the primary table , only one record will be retrieved from the non-primary tables .

  16. 英汉主动形式表达被动意义(主表被)已引起学者们的注意。

    " Active form with passive meaning ( AFPM ) " construction has attracted much attention of English and Chinese scholars .

  17. 要在模板中包含特定的主表或者查找表中的数据,请从下面的列表中选择这些表。

    To include the data from specific main or lookup tables in your template , select those tables from the list below .

  18. 图灵给出了一个主表的例子,叫作CALPOL,它用来计算一个浮点形式的15阶多项式的值。

    He gave a specific example of a master table called CALPOL which was to calculate the value of a fifteenth-order poly nominal in floating-point .

  19. 注意:如果选择了主表,那么所有关联的明细表中的数据也将自动包含在模板中。

    Note : If you select a main table , all data from any associated detail tables will automatically be included in the template as well .

  20. 分析主表中注释隐含的划分标准;分析类目包含的主要内容成分判断或参考一些相关类目规定的划分标准,来寻找到合理的归类方法。

    They can be classified in terms of the classification standards of the similar & related content , the explanatory note and / or the main content .

  21. 现金流量表是财务报告中的主表之一,是反映企业在一定会计期间的现金和现金等价物流入和流出的报表。

    Cash flow statement is one main sheet in financial reports ; it reflects the inflow and outflow report of money and money equivalent in a certain accounting period .

  22. 本文在对目前的智力资本报告进行分析与评价的基础上,设计了一种由智力资本报告主表、表及报表附注所组成的报告框架。

    Based on analyzing and evaluating current intellectual report , this paper designs a new type of intellectual capital report framework composed of main statement , enclosed statement and statement note .

  23. 尽管如此,由于它是主表,而且只用表扫描访问一次,因此会引发一些性能问题,但不会太严重。

    However since it is a leading table and will be accessed by the table scan only once , it may cause some performance problems , but it should not be a disaster .

  24. 通过比较合并现金流量表的两种编制方法,对合并现金流量表编制方法的选择提出了一家之言,最后举例说明直接法下合并现金流量表主表的编制。

    Based on the comparison of two methods of preparing consolidated cash flow statement , this paper discusses how to make alternative choice and presents a case of making a consolidated cash flow statement with the direct method .

  25. 结论:1.建立癌性疼痛疗效评价标准的临床研究文献数据库:该数据库的建立,采取主表与子表相链接的表结构,使得数据既分类储存又相互联系。

    Clinical evaluation criteria for the establishment of the Cancer Pain Clinical Research Databases : Cancer Pain Clinical Research Literature Database , to link the main table and the table structure sub appearances , making the data stored both categories are interrelated .

  26. 文件系统以簇为单位分配和回收外存空间,通过主文件表来进行管理

    NTFS file system allocates and revokes the storage by cluster . It manages by MFT . NTFS

  27. 在Places应用程序中,有一个主数据表、一个详细地图、一个详细天气指示器。

    In the Places application , There is a master dataTable , a detailed map , and a detailed weather indicator .

  28. 主细表更新在PowerBuilder中的实现

    Implement on Updating Master-detail Table with PowerBuilder

  29. 如果有多个xml-stylesheet指令,则alternate表明哪一个替代主样式表。

    If there is more than one xml-stylesheet instruction , alternate indicates which are replacements for the principal style sheet .

  30. OLTP查询中很少需要选择查找表作为需要相关表上的索引来支持联接的主查询表。

    It is rare in an OLTP query for the lookup tables to be selected as the primary query tables requiring an index on the dependent table to support the join .