
guàn fàn
  • recidivist;hardened criminal;habitual offender;habitual criminal;inveterate criminal;badass;old lag
惯犯 [guàn fàn]
  • [habitual criminal;inveterate criminal;habitual offender] 屡教不改的罪犯

惯犯[guàn fàn]
  1. 犯罪的人不因为被人看出而觉得惭愧。证人看见那个惯犯抢夺那个人的钱财。

    The witness watched the habitual offender robbing the man of his money .

  2. 审问这个惯犯就跟挤牙膏一样。

    To interrogate this hardened criminal , you have to squeeze every word out of him .

  3. 社会不知道怎样处置惯犯。

    Society does not know how to deal with hardened criminals .

  4. 4个危险的惯犯和其他6名犯人仍然在逃。

    Six prisoners are still at large along with four dangerous recidivists .

  5. 没有受到法庭制裁的惯犯被当地人处治了。

    Persistent criminals who have gone unpunished by the courts have been dealt with by local people

  6. 那个小偷是个惯犯。

    That thief is a habitual criminal .

  7. 他是一个惯犯。

    He is a habitual criminal .

  8. 东京日生基础研究所(NLIResearchInstitute)的社会发展高级研究员土堤内昭雄(AkioDoteuchi)预计,惯犯比例将继续上升。

    Akio Doteuchi , a senior researcher on social development at the NLI Research Institute in Tokyo , expects the ratio of repeat offenders to continue rising .

  9. 地方检察官决定以惯犯对他进行起诉。

    The DA decides to charge him as a habitual criminal .

  10. 强调他的犯罪记录,他是个惯犯。

    Now remember to stress his record as a repeat offender .

  11. 从各方面来看,这起入室行窃案都是职业惯犯做的。

    The burglary had all the hallmarks of a professional job .

  12. 你并不是惯犯,对吧。

    You 're not exactly a hardened criminal , are you ?

  13. 他在法庭上被描述为惯犯。

    He was described in court as a hardened criminal .

  14. 她发觉自己在监狱里结识的都是惯犯。

    In prison she found herself consorting with hardened criminals .

  15. 惯犯的盘算对于潜在罪犯来说令人沮丧地充满吸引力。

    The mathematics of recidivism are gloomily compelling for the would-be convict .

  16. 那个屡教不改的惯犯从监狱里释放时,公众感到愤慨。

    The Public was outraged when the hardened criminal was released from prison .

  17. 这一切是一个惯犯干的。

    They were the deeds of a hardened criminal .

  18. 一名惯犯。他是个粗暴的人。

    A criminal . he 's a violent man .

  19. 惯犯应该受到法律的制裁。

    Serial offenders should be punished by the law .

  20. 他一定是个惯犯。

    He must have been a criminal mastermind .

  21. 她的确代理了一些惯犯。不是吗?

    Well , she has represented some pretty hardened criminals , hasn 't she ?

  22. 少年惯犯的安全的家。

    A secure home tor persistent juvenile offenders .

  23. 超市的员工看我就像是惯犯。

    Store employees looked at me like I 'm some kind of hardened criminal .

  24. 因为他是一个惯犯。

    Since he is a repeat offender .

  25. 这个报告宣称少年犯是被一些惯犯教唆犯罪的。

    The report claims that young people put in prison are corrupted by hardened criminals .

  26. 这名罪大恶极的惯犯将在这间隔离室被执行死刑。

    This hardened criminal of the worst kind is to be executed in this isolated room .

  27. 在不合规行为损害公司价值这方面,瑞银正在成为惯犯。

    UBS is becoming a serial offender in terms of destroying value by means of compliance failures .

  28. 她称我们的监狱制度似乎在创造惯犯而并非教导罪犯不再犯法。

    She claims that our prison system seems to create recidivists rather than discouraging criminals from reoffending .

  29. 这名惯犯的保释金为90万美元,但是也许离保释这一天不远了。

    The repeat offender is being held on $ 900000 bail , but perhaps not for long .

  30. 从德国的言辞中,人们永远也猜不到德国在20世纪曾是违约惯犯。

    One would never guess from its rhetoric that Germany was a serial defaulter in the 20th century .