
  • 网络thematic analysis;subject analysis;Theme analysis
  1. 黄土高原林业文献主题分析模式及标引方法

    Subject Analysis and Indexing Method of Forest Documents of Loess Plateau

  2. 商检标准主题分析、标引实践

    Practice on subject analysis and indexing of commodity inspection standards

  3. 通过两个经营主题分析,描述了经营分析的具体内容,在每个主题分析中,提出了FACT表的基本结构、数据源,也列出了与数据仓库主题域和其中实体标识的对应关系。

    The thesis also describes the detail content in the two management analyses . Each one provides the basic structure and data source of the FACT tables , and at the same time , lists the corresponding relation between data warehouse theme field and identifying entity .

  4. 公共服务市场的微宏观战略及主题分析

    Macro and Micro Strategy and Theme Analysis of Public Service Market

  5. 基于小世界模型的中文文本主题分析

    Topic Analysis of Chinese Text Based on Small World Model

  6. 杰克·伦敦的人生哲学&《野性的呼唤》主题分析

    Jack London 's Philosophies in The Call of the Wild

  7. 近十年来我国网络信息检索研究主题分析

    The Thematic Study of China Network Information Retrieval in the Last Decade

  8. 从相关主题分析看护理教育研究的动向

    A Bibliometric Analysis of the Correlative Subject Headings on Nursing Education Studies

  9. 《迷失在开心馆》的元小说主题分析

    An Analysis of Metafictional Themes in Lost in the Funhouse

  10. 中国古代服装设计主题分析

    Analysis on Design Themes of Clothing in Ancient China

  11. 约翰·霍克斯《第二张皮》的主题分析

    A Thematic Analysis of John Hawkes ' Second Skin

  12. 总是在路上&杰克·凯鲁亚克《在路上》的主题分析

    Always on the Road-A Thematic Analysis of Jack Kerouac 's on the Road

  13. 伊凡·布宁短篇小说集《幽暗的林间小径》主题分析

    An Analysis of the Theme of Ivan Bunin 's Short Story Collection-Dark Avenues

  14. 《药》中的民间信仰及主题分析

    Folk Beliefs in the Medicine and its Subject Analysis

  15. 词典匹配和串频统计相结合在自动主题分析中的应用

    Use of Dictionary Matching and String Frequency Statistics in Content Analysis of Automatic Indexing

  16. 中国专利被专利文献引用的主题分析

    Analysis on Subject Distribution of Chinese Patents Citations

  17. 基于查询扩展和主题分析的分布式信息检索

    Query Expansion and Cluster Based Distributed Information Retrieval

  18. 图书馆学;学位论文;研究方法;主题分析;

    Library science Dissertation Research method Thematic analysis ;

  19. 结构、秩序和意义&对《行为的结构》的主题分析

    Structure , Order and Sense : A Thematic Analysis of The Structure of Behavior

  20. 相关主题分析看尘肺研究的新动向

    A bibliometric analysis of the correlative subject headings on the new trends of pneumoconiosis studies

  21. 高度的浓缩精妙的平凡&《伊芙林》的多重主题分析

    High Concentration and Ingenious Simplicity & On the Multiple Themes of Eveline by James Joyce

  22. 1998-2008年国内学术信息交流研究之文献与主题分析

    Document and Subject Analysis on Researching of National Academic Information Exchange From 1998 to 2008

  23. 良渚遗址群保护与利用主题分析

    An Analysis on the Subject of Protection and Utilization of the Sites of Liangzhu Culture

  24. 及物性、态度系统与短篇小说主题分析

    An Analysis on the Theme of the Short Story in Light of Transitivity and Attitude

  25. 奴隶制下的压迫与爱&托妮·莫里森《宠儿》的主题分析

    Oppression and Love Under the Slavery System

  26. 语篇主题分析法浅议

    Topic - based analysis of discourse

  27. 涤荡历史顺应时代重塑自我&鲍比·安·梅森小说的反历史主题分析

    Cleansing History Conforming Times Reinventing Ego & Anti-history Theme Study in Bobbie Ann Mason 's Fictions

  28. 分为契约叙事的思想主题分析和契约叙事与主题倾向的相互关系两部分。

    There were two parts : idea theme analysis ; relationship between contract narration and theme .

  29. 《虹》中的原型主题分析

    Archetypal Theme in the Rainbow

  30. 1995~1998年中药复方研究文献的主题分析与评价

    The Analysis and Appreciation of the Themes of the Research Documents about Compound TCM in 1995 ~ 1998