
  • 网络Uiju;Wiju
  1. 新义州一位名叫朱大炫(JuDae-hyun)的电信官员在报道中表示,Manbang将“让人民的文化生活水平再上一个新台阶,无论什么时候,他们都可以收看自己想看的东西”。新义州位于中国边境附近。

    Manbang was " elevating the people'scultural life a step up by allowing them to watch what they want any time theywant , " a man identified as Ju Dae-hyun , a telecommunications official inSinuiju , a town near the Chinese border , said in the report .

  2. 港口商贾在义州促进了对外贸易。

    Sinuiju in the port merchants to promote foreign trade .

  3. 丹东和朝鲜新义州的景色尽收眼底。

    Visitors can have a panoramic view of Dandong and Sinuiju of the dprk .

  4. 记者从旅行社(什么旅行社?)了解到,我省朝鲜游首发团将在5月8号,以专列的形式开往丹东,经新义州到达朝鲜首都平壤。

    Our reporter has learned from a travel agency that the first tour group to North Korea will start on May8 with a special train bound for Pyongyang via Dandong and Sinuiju .

  5. 在中国边境城市丹东对面的朝鲜新义州小镇上,在鸭绿江上游览的朝鲜小学生和老师向中国居民招手。

    North Korean pupils and their teachers wave to Chinese residents as they take a tour on the Yalu River near the North Korean town of Sinuiju , opposite the Chinese border city of Dandong .

  6. 但朝鲜难民近来谈到,在一些靠近中国的地区,特别是北部城市罗津和会宁以及中朝边境南端的新义州,求生的需求正推动着变革。

    But recent escapees tell of the changes that are being driven by necessity in areas near China , especially in the cities of Rajin and hoeryong in the north and Sinuiju at the southern end of the border .