
  1. 市场经济下的义利之辨

    The Analysis between Moral and Benefit under the Condition of Market Economy

  2. 民族传统的伦理价值观及其现代意义&义利之辨与新世纪的道德建设

    The View of Traditional Ethics and Its Modern Significance

  3. 义利之辨是中国传统思想争论的核心问题之一。

    The distinction of righteousness and benefit is the key to chinese traditional thought dispute .

  4. 义利之辨:中国价值观的核心内容及现代意义

    Debate of Justice and Interest : Key Content of China 's Traditional Concept and Its Modern Meaning

  5. “义利之辨”本质上是一种人生观之辨,它具有深厚的人学底蕴;

    The'debate over justice and benefit'is a kind of outlook on life and it has profound human being details .

  6. 义利之辨不仅是一种深刻的价值认识和伦理思维活动,而且是主体自身的一种价值取向和价值追求活动。

    The debate is not only a deep going value knowledge and ethics thinking activity , but also a value orientation and value seeking activity of the subject itself .

  7. 所以通过孟子的心性学来解读义利之辨,探究其本有的哲学意味,更进一步反思人的文化性给人自身带来的影响。

    Therefore , we unscramble the debates through Mencius on mind in order to explore their own philosophy that further reflects on the cultural impact of their own people .

  8. 在个体认同意义上,义利之辨所内蕴的自我伦理和他者伦理,形塑一种特定的自我观和社会观,为个体的自我认同和社会认同提供一种道德框架。

    From the meaning of individual-identify , the ' self-ethic ' and the ' other-ethic ' that the debate over justice and benefit contains models a sort of self-outlook and social-outlook and provides a kind of moral frame to self-identify and society-identify .

  9. 自人类迈入文明社会始,如何处理道德与利益之间的关系,就成为先贤们追求与思考的核心问题。在古代中国,这一问题体现为义利之辨。

    Since human beings enter into civilized societies , how to deal with the relationship between interest and virtue has been the core problem which great sages pursue and ponder , which appears in the debate on interest and virtue in the ancient China .

  10. 但不得不承认早熟给中国文化设立较高的起点,也让文化本身没有充分体验到幼年时无限可能的乐趣,这些问题都能在孟子的义利之辨中折射出来。

    But we have to admit that the " mature " let the Chinese culture establish a higher threshold , but also let the culture itself not fully experience unlimited fun only when young . These questions can be reflected from Mencius on the debate between morality and benefit .

  11. 而事实上孟子对义利的开创性不在于他设定的具体选择标准和取向,而在于他对义利之辨哲学意义上的探讨,或是在义利之辨中探讨着哲学。

    It is creative that Mencius deepened the debate to explore the philosophical sense . It is not important to set specific selection criteria and orientation .