
  • 网络Ukrainian Parliament;Verkhovna Rada
  1. 一片赞成声在乌克兰议会中回响。

    A roar of approval resounded through the Ukrainian parliament

  2. 乌克兰议会已经决定,新总统就职典礼将于2月25号举行。

    The Ukrainian parliament has decided that Yanukovych will be inaugurated on Thursday ( Feb.25 ) .

  3. 乌克兰议会暂停召开。

    And in the Ukraine , Parliament was briefly suspended .

  4. 但是12月18日,乌克兰议会最终一票之差支持了季莫申科。

    But on december18th the Parliament at last backed MS tymoshenko , by a one-vote margin .

  5. 白宫对乌克兰议会稳定国家的行为表示赞同。

    The White House is welcoming the efforts by Ukraine 's parliament to stabilize the country .

  6. 赖斯表示,乌克兰议会计划履行的协议应对这个国家产生积极作用。

    Rice says the agreement Ukraine 's parliament is planning to follow should be a positive step for the country .

  7. 他们首先需要得到乌克兰议会的许可,乌克兰议会表示将于周四就此事进行投票。

    First they will need approval of the Ukraine 's Parliament , which they say will vote on the matter on Thursday .

  8. 乌克兰议会议长亚历山大·图尔奇诺夫签署法令,禁止克里米亚议会就是否加入俄罗斯举行公投的决定。

    Ukrainian Parliament Speaker Alexandr Turchynov has signed a decree , vetoing the Crimean parliament 's decision to hold referendum on joining Russia .

  9. 判决宣布之后,她在乌克兰议会里的一名支持者宣称,乌克兰和欧盟的自由贸易协定已经死亡。

    As soon as the verdict was announced , a parliamentary supporter flatly announced that Ukraine 's trade pact with Europe is now dead .

  10. 乌克兰议会通过一项决议,解除总统维克多·亚努科维奇的职务,称亚努科维奇无法履行其职权。

    Ukrainian Parliament has passed a resolution to dismiss President Viktor Yanukovych from his post , declaring him constitutionally unable to carry out his duties .

  11. 在周日的一次特别会议上,乌克兰议会投票暂时将总统权力交给议会会长,会长是反对派的一位最高领袖。

    In a special session on Sunday , Ukraine 's parliament voted to temporarily give presidential powers to the speaker , a top opposition leader .

  12. 上周末,乌克兰议会投票决定将他赶下台,任命议会议长奥列克山大·图尔奇诺夫出任总统一职并计划于5月底举行新的选举。

    Over the weekend , Ukraine 's parliament voted to throw him out , appointed parliament Speaker Olexander Turchinov to take on presidential duties and scheduled new elections for late May .

  13. 他表示,乌克兰最高议会是非法的,因为夺取乌克兰政权的是只占乌克兰人口绝对少数的民族主义者。

    He said the current Supreme Rada , the parliament , was illegitimate because power in Ukraine has been seized by nationalists " who represent absolutely minority of the population . "

  14. 成千上万的乌克兰人聚集在议会门前高喊“好啊”。

    Thousands of Ukrainians burst into cries of ' bravo ' on the steps of the parliament

  15. 乌克兰选择在欧洲议会选举的当天举行总统大选并非巧合。

    It is no coincidence that Ukraine has chosen to hold its own presidential election on the same day as elections to the EU parliament .

  16. 齐斯卡里什维利说:“从民主化和透明化的过程来看,乌克兰最近两次议会选举和格鲁吉亚的总统及议会选举有着天壤之别。”

    Tsiskarishvili says Ukraine 's two recent parliamentary elections and Georgia 's presidential and parliamentary contests differ from one another like heaven and earth in terms of democratic and transparent procedures .

  17. 出口民调表明,乌克兰总统彼得·波罗申科所在政党将在乌克兰议会选举中险胜。

    Exit polling is suggesting Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko 's party is poised to eek out a narrow victory in Ukraine 's parliamentary election .

  18. 今天,乌克兰临时总理发表了具有约束力的声明,谴责乌克兰议会并宣布辞职。

    Ukraine 's interim Prime Minister delivered a binding condemnation of the country 's parliament today and announced his resigning .

  19. 启动乌克兰马歇尔计划的时间应该在定于12月举行的捐赠方会议上,即在乌克兰新议会启动运作、新政府组建之后。

    The time to launch a Marshall Plan for Ukraine should be at a planned donor conference in December after the new Ukrainian parliament has opened and a new government formed .

  20. 基辅乌克兰公共政策研究所主任朱马克说,现在亚努科维奇总统看到他的主要政敌,受到被审判和定罪的羞辱。他在乌克兰议会中的支持者,将很快通过法律,修改有关对滥用职权罪的惩罚规定。

    Viktor Chumak , director of the Ukrainian Public Policy Institute in Kyiv , says now that President Yanukovych has seen his main political rival humiliated by a court trial and conviction , his supporters in Ukraine 's parliament will quickly pass a law to change the penalties under the abuse-of-power statute she was convicted of violating .