
  1. 新反对派联盟在官网上发表声明,指控ISIS在反对派忙于对抗政府时进行谋杀、偷窃、并闯入反对派士兵的房屋。

    In a statement on its website , the new rebel coalition accused ISIS of killing , stealing and storming our houses while we were busy fighting the regime .

  2. 上周末,叙利亚新反对派联盟在卡塔尔首都多哈宣布成立。一些西方国家及阿拉伯国家,包括美国和土耳其在内,随即表示支持叙利亚反对派新联盟。

    The new coalition of Syria 's opposition groups was forced over the weekend in the Qatari capital Doha . Some western and Arab countries , including the United States and Turkey , have instantly thrown their support behind the new opposition body .

  3. 阿拉伯国家联盟以及海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会的六个成员国,均发表声明承认叙利亚新成立的反对派联盟为“叙利亚人民的合法代表”。

    Both Arab League and the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council have recognized the new opposition coalition as " the legitimate representative of the Syrian people . "

  4. 但总统麦克尔•萨塔(MichaelSata)领导的新政府通过逮捕反对派领袖、限制非政府组织(NGO)和恐吓记者来应对增多的异议。

    But the new government of President Michael Sata has responded to rising dissent by arresting opposition leaders , restricting NGOs and intimidating journalists .

  5. 周四爆发了前所未有的争斗,一个新成立的的反对派联盟“圣战组织”在脸谱上发出挑战,“放下你们的武器,离开叙利亚”。

    The unprecedented battle began on Thursdays when a new rebel coalition called the Army of Mujahideen issued a challenge on Facebook , " Drop your weapons and leave Syria . "