
xīn zhèng
  • New Deal
新政 [xīn zhèng]
  • [new deal] 新的政策

  • 参预新政。--清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

新政[xīn zhèng]
  1. 新政(NewDeal)的出台,旨在禁止银行从事承销这种高风险活动,此项改革完全实现了这一目标。

    The New Deal reform , enacted to prohibit banks from engaging in the risky activity of underwriting , accomplished exactly that .

  2. 但仍有更多工作要做,世界银行的全球粮食新政(NewDealonGlobalFoodPolicy)就是一个巨大进步。

    But there is more to do , and the World Bank 's New Deal on Global Food Policy is a big step forward .

  3. 她接着给《新政治家》杂志写了一封关于我的信,言辞极其激烈。

    She then wrote an extremely irate letter to the New Statesman about me .

  4. 他期盼出现一个新政党的愿望几乎不可能实现。

    His hopes for a new political party have little chance of reaching fruition .

  5. 停滞不前的经济和最近的一次劳工骚乱浪潮影响了新政党的声望。

    A faltering economy and a recent wave of labour unrest have affected the new party 's popularity .

  6. 根据轮流担任领导的新政党章程,他们在一年后会轮换职位。

    They will swap posts in a year 's time , according to new party rules which rotate the leadership .

  7. 推出这一新福利的是宠物居家公司,这也许并不令人意外。8200名员工将从下月开始享受到这项新政,其中95%的人有宠物。

    Perhaps unsurprisingly , the firm behind the scheme is Pets At Home , which is introducing the policy for its 8200 staff - 95 percent of whom are pet-owners - from next month .

  8. 他对一个消费者游说团体说:“我相信明年将是自大萧条实施新政(NewDeal)以来公共政策最好的一年。”

    He told a consumer lobbying group , " next year will be , I believe , the best year for public policy since the new deal . "

  9. 新政理想主义VS传统现实主义&美国对天皇的政策(1942-1945)

    New Deal Idealism vs. Traditional Realism : US Policy towards Japanese Emperor ( 1942-1945 )

  10. 这种暗示立刻熟谙历史的观察人士回想起了一个原型:总统富兰克林•德拉诺•罗斯福(FranklinDelanoRoosevelt)上世纪30年代的新政(NewDeal)。

    The hints to this effect immediately made historically conscious observers look back to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt 's New Deal of the 1930s as a prototype .

  11. 然而,当代右翼将这种不信任发挥到了荒唐的极致,不仅寻求将时钟拨回到罗斯福“新政”(newdeal)之前,而且还要退回到20世纪伊始的进步时代之前。

    The contemporary right has taken this , however , to an absurd extreme , seeking to turn the clock back not just to the point before the new deal , but before the progressive era at the turn of the 20th century .

  12. 通过这次新政与AC米兰,我们打算推动了大量的文章,绑米兰除了传统类喜欢运动鞋,运动服装及配件。

    Through this new deal with AC Milan we intend to promote a large amount of articles tied to Milan aside from the traditional categories like sporting shoes , sporting clothes and accessories .

  13. 那次选举标志着加州的新方向:布朗是一名从共和党转变而来的民主党人,认同富兰克林·D·罗斯福(FranklinD.Roosevelt)的“新政”(NewDeal)政策。

    He swept to victory in an election that signaled a new direction for California : Brown was a Republican turned Democrat who identified with the New Deal policies of Franklin D. Roosevelt .

  14. 从更乐观的角度来说,在大萧条期间,美国社会最终受益于新政(NewDeal)的大规模公共建设工程计划,在较短时间内,美国员工找到了支付账单和保留自尊的方法。

    To put the matter more positively , in the Great Depression , US society ultimately benefited from the New Deal 's massive programme of public works and , in the shorter term , American workers found ways to pay their bills and retain their self-respect .

  15. 本文运用2004年5月~2006年8月的月度数据,通过协整检验和VAR方法分析了房地产新政下的上海市房价变动情况。

    Monthly datum are handled through co-integrating and VAR to analyze influencing factors on Shanghai real estate price from May 2004 to Aug 2006 under ' new real estate policies ' .

  16. 富兰克林•罗斯福(FranklinRoosevelt)的新政在财政政策方面缩手缩脚,在终结大萧条方面并不是那么成功&但新政创造了新的机构,永久性地改变了公民对政府的要求,并使美国社会大为改观。

    Franklin Roosevelt 's New Deal was fiscally timid and not that successful in ending the Depression – but it built new institutions , permanently altered the demands citizens make on the state and quite transformed US society .

  17. 此次普查结果将被用作出台新政的依据。

    The census will be used as the basis for policy .

  18. 我们可以制定一个全球食品政策新政。

    We can have a New Deal on Global Food Policy .

  19. 新政与美国南部的社会变迁

    The New Deal and the Social Changes of the American South

  20. 清末新政时期外交中对外报的重视与应用

    Foreign Newspapers in Diplomacy during the Reforms in Late Qing Dynasty

  21. 他拒绝参与那个新政党。

    He refused to identify himself with the new political party .

  22. 试论罗斯福新政与黑人民权问题

    Franklin . D. Roosevelt 's New Deal and Black Civil Rights

  23. 清末新政倡行图书馆的立场与贡献

    Standpoint and Contribution of Late Qing Dynasty 's Advocating for Library

  24. 解读2006年热门留学国家新政

    The New Policies of Pop Countries for Overseas Students in 2006

  25. 清末新政与社会风俗变迁

    New Deal and Transformation of Social Customs in Late Qing Dynasty

  26. 新政可以分为3个相互重叠的时期。

    The New Deal can be divided into three overlapping phases .

  27. 印度外资新政及其对中国的启示

    Indian 's New Policies for FDI : An enlightenment to China

  28. 文章第二部分分析了罗斯福政府制定新政金融政策的历史背景。

    The second part analysed the historic background of the New Deal .

  29. 然而,“新政”一词暗含着更大的野心。

    However , the term " New Deal " implies larger ambitions .

  30. 地产商谈新政就象“变色龙”社会变成骗子天堂?

    Discuss new estate as " chameleon " social paradise into swindlers ?