
jiān chá
  • monitor;supervise;control
监察 [jiān chá]
  • [supervise;control] 监督考察;监督检举

监察[jiān chá]
  1. 基于D-TAG数字硬盘录像的油库图象监控系统由前端图象采集、中心图象处理和存储及网上监察与控制三部分组成。

    The image monitoring and control system for oil tank based on D-TAG digital hard disk kinescope consists of three parts of front-end image acquisition , center image processing and memory , and supervise and control in network .

  2. 要对下属的工作进行管理、监察和评价。

    Have to manage , supervise and evaluate the works of underlings .

  3. 政府监察机构已经欣然接受了这些新规则。

    The new rules have been embraced by government watchdog organizations .

  4. 护士很细心地监察病人的状况。

    The nurse monitored the patient 's condition carefully .

  5. 有一个白人监察官在监视着我。

    A white censor was standing over me .

  6. 设有监察科、检审科、管理科、办证科、综合科5个科室。

    Set censorial division , vet division , management division , division handling card , division 5 section office .

  7. 《军队监察工作条例(试行)》自2020年2月1日起施行。《条例》着力构建统一领导、权威高效、全面覆盖的军队监察体制。

    The trial regulation on military supervision1 work , which took effect on Feb 1 , was introduced to establish an authoritative2 and efficient military supervision system with complete coverage3 under a unified4 command .

  8. 针对下级政府及公办学校的责任人,主要采取约谈、通报批评、组织处理、移交监察机关或司法机关等问责方式。

    The main administrators7 of lower governments and public schools can be held accountable through having talks , name and shame , administrative punishment , or being handed over to law enforcement authorities and supervisory commissions , it said .

  9. 中央纪委监察部3日在其网站上刊登的一篇文章指出,由于监管松散,国有企业的管理人员都把国有资产看做“唐僧肉”。

    In an article published by the Communist Party of China 's Central Commission for Discipline Inspection2 on its website on Monday , the top discipline watchdog pointed3 out , that because of loose supervision4 , the officials managing some State-owned enterprises regard the companies as such " monk flesh " .

  10. 一个基于类GIS界面的区域巡逻监察系统

    A Regional Patrol Monitoring System with Analogue GIS Interface

  11. 基于CAN总线的非接触式IC卡门禁与巡更监察系统

    A Door Control and Patrol Monitor System Using Contactless IC Card Based on CAN Bus

  12. 第三部分介绍J公司纪检监察工作和队伍的现状以及问题分析。

    Part III Current status and problem analysis of disciplinary inspection work & team of J company .

  13. 基于3S技术的矿产资源移动执法监察系统的设计与实现

    Design and realization of system of mobile monitoring mine resource based on 3S technology

  14. 本研究将异构空间数据、地图服务、业务系统等以Web服务的形式发布,解决了特种设备安全监察系统中存在的共享和互操作问题,对空间信息服务相关的研究工作具有借鉴意义。

    The research publishes heterogeneous spatial data , maps and functions as Web Services and solves the sharing and interoperability problems of current systems . It also has certain significance for research on SIS .

  15. 本文首先对J公司近5年来落实党风廉政建设责任制工作进行分析,提出开发纪检监察人员能力的必要性。

    At first , achievement of political awareness & integrity responsibility system in recent 5 years of J Company is analyzed in this paper .

  16. 因此必须选择其他的ADRs监察方法,包括以医院为基础的自愿报告系统,住院患者的集中监察。

    Alternative methods of ADR monitoring are therefore needed and include hospital-based voluntary reporting system and intensive monitoring of hospitalized patients .

  17. 给出了一种综合采用射频识别技术、非接触IC卡导航定位及无线局域网等技术的智能化、集成化仓库设计方案。基于CAN总线的非接触式IC卡门禁与巡更监察系统

    Based on the technology of RFID and contactless IC card positioning and wireless local network , a design of an abstemious intelligent warehouse is given . A Door Control and Patrol Monitor System Using Contactless IC Card Based on CAN Bus

  18. 监察机构与联邦调查局(fbi)和美国证交会合作,已宣布对几名前对冲基金交易员、公司内部人士以及一家专业网络公司的咨询顾问提起刑事指控。

    Prosecutors , working with the Federal Bureau of investigation and the SEC , have announced criminal charges against former hedge fund traders , company insiders and consultants at an expert network firm .

  19. 香港工程项目环境影响评价(EIA)制度行之有效,而且在1997年制定了环境影响评估条例,用15年的环境影响评价、环境监察和审核经验制定了正规程序。

    The Hong Kong project EIA system has been well established and operated with the enactment of the EIA ordinance in 1997 to formalize 15 years ' of experience on EIA and environmental monitoring and audit .

  20. 最近在我院普通内科病房试行应用计算机医疗记录系统监察ADRs,并正考虑药师参加ADRs报告的可行性。

    A recent approach attempts the use of a computerized medical record system to monitor ADRs in our general medical wards . The feasibility of involving pharmacists in initiating ADR reports is being considered .

  21. 该文介绍了一种基于CAN总线的非接触式IC卡门禁与巡更监察系统方案,重点讨论了节点门禁与巡更控制器的设计,并阐述了系统的特色、主要功能及应用前景。

    One kind of scheme in a door control patrol monitor system using contactless IC card based on CAN bus is presented here , laying emphasis on design of a door control patrol device . And the system 's feature , main function and application perspectives are expounded .

  22. 运用卫生部药品不良反应监察中心制定的不良反应(ADRs)判断标准,对所收集到的29篇38例(共39例次)雷公藤不良反应病例报告进行分析。

    With the application of judgement criteria for causality of adverse drug reactions ( ADRs ) established by Chinese Center for Monitoring ADRs , 38 published case reports of ADRs caused by Tripterygium wilfordii were reviewed .

  23. 方法:对84例疑诊为急性心肌梗死患者,后经心电图连续监察及心肌酶谱等其它实验室检查或经冠脉造影确诊为急性心肌梗死作为观察对象,分析常规12导联心电图ST-T动态改变情况。

    Method : Take 84 cases of acute myocardiac infarct patients as subjects , who were diagnosed correctly by continual ECG supervision , myocardial zymogram , other lab tests or coronary arteriography , analyse the dynamic changes of the routine 12 lead ECG ST-T.

  24. 本文论述了搞好药物不良反应监察工作的有关实施措施:组织结构、ADRs报告的范围、ADRs监察方法及资料的收集与反馈、ADRs报告表的主要内容及ADRs因果关系评价等。

    This paper describes the implementing measures to strengthen the supervision of adverse drug reactions ( ADRs ) with respect to the organization , range of ADRs report , method of supervision , collection and feedback of data , main contents of report chart and evaluation of cause-and-effect of ADRs .

  25. 这将帮助你监察垫为短路。

    This will help you monitor the mats for short circuits .

  26. 航空公司内部监察机构的职责与监察形态的构建

    Obligations of Airline Internal Supervision Department and Construction of Supervision Forms

  27. 在人类流感监察方面,香港有严谨的监察制度。

    Hong Kong has an intensive surveillance system for human influenza .

  28. 关于提高煤矿安全监察行政执法效能的思考与建议

    Suggestion to Raise the Efficiency of Safety Inspection in Coal Mines

  29. 科学的监察运行机制和方式是提高监察效能的重要手段。

    Scientific supervision system is the important means of effective supervision .

  30. 建设政务信息系统促进安全监察工作

    Build government affairs information system to promote safety supervision work