
xīn shēnɡ huó yùn dònɡ
  • New Life Movement
  1. 新生活运动的发起经过一番准备。

    The New Life Movement was launched by a preparation .

  2. 新生活运动再探讨&从体育运动角度

    On the New Life Movement & From the Perspective of Modern Sports

  3. 试论新生活运动发起的原因

    Discussion on the reason of starting the New Life Movement

  4. 新生活运动与民国社会生活

    The New Life Movement and the Social Life of the Republic of China

  5. 新生活运动失败论析

    An Analysis of the Opinion on the " Failure " of the New Life Movement

  6. 二.根据蒋夫人,新生活运动的目的为何?

    According to Madame Chiang Kai-shek , what was the purpose of the New Life Movement ?

  7. 新生活运动在某种程度上,也可以说是一场社会生活的现代化运动。

    In a sense the New Life Movement may also be supposed to a social life modernization movement .

  8. 新生活运动时间长达15年,涉及国家社会生活的方方面面。

    The New-Life Movement lasted for 15 years , covering all aspects of social life of the country .

  9. 前人对于新生活运动的失败已有几种见解,但是仍然不够全面。

    The predecessors had several opinions regarding the defeat of New Life Movement , but it was not comprehensive .

  10. 国民政府所推行的新生活运动是民国时期一件重要的历史事件。

    The National Government introduced the New Life Movement is an important historical event in the Republic of China .

  11. 新生活运动之所以在南昌发起与剿匪有很大关系,但这并不是它的主要目的。

    The New Life Movement was launched at NanChang for " suppressing bandits ", but it was not its main purpose .

  12. 安徽新生活运动的推行的主体分为推行机构和推行人员两方面来论述。

    The main implementation of the New Life Movement in Anhui is divided into implementing agencies and implementation staff to discuss .

  13. 虽然他对新生活运动所要达到的目的有多种说法,但都是围绕民族复兴这一总的目的。

    Although he asserted the purpose of the New Life Movement had kinds , but all were around the " Race Rewal " .

  14. 由于政府对市民社会的屏弃,新生活运动在实际生活中的推行主要是靠行政系统自上而下的来进行。

    Because of the government suppressed the citizen society , the New Life Movement was advanced into the living depending on the administration system .

  15. 我们还可以发现,新生活运动在实际推行中,通过其制定的各种实行新生活的办法,实际形成了对民众生活的规范,干涉了民众生活的自由。

    We can find that the New Life Movement had interfered with the freedom of the people 's living through all kinds of ways .

  16. 以更客观的态度,更多维的视角和学术研究方法来关注新生活运动为学界所重视和认可。

    At present , in the more objective attitude , more dimensional perspectives and academic research approaches to concerning the movement is emphasized and admitted .

  17. 新生活运动实际上是要解决国民政府政治、经济、意识形态的危机,也即政府的合法性危机,重新建立政权的合法性基础。

    In fact , the New Life Movement wanted to resolve the crisises of politics , economy and ideology of government , to establish the legitimate foundation of power .

  18. 在该阶段,浙江省政府依据规章制度建立了各级新生活运动促进会,从组织上保障新生活运动得以开展。

    At this stage , the Zhejiang Provincial Government established the New Life Movement Promotion Association . It has been carried out from the organization to protect the New Life Movement .

  19. 本文试图从民国社会生活的角度来分析新生活运动的缘起、发展、终结及其它的影响,从而更清醒地认识百年巨变的中国的艰难曲折历程。

    The present paper try to discuss the origin , development , finality and the influence of the New Life Movement , and acquired the hardly course of China in hundred years .

  20. 之后,作者又对战备铁路的建设及管理方面进行详细论述,并考察了新生活运动下铁路员工的战备动员。

    Then , the author discusses in detail the construction and management of railway for combat readiness , and studies the railway workers ' readiness to mobilize in the New Life Movement .

  21. 在整个运动期间,新生活运动促进总会开展了清洁规矩运动、生活军事化、生产化、艺术化运动、改革社会陋俗运动、乡村服务运动等多种改造社会生活的运动。

    In the entire period , the New Life Movement launched the cleaning movement . the life " militarization , productivity . artistic quality " Movement . the community undesirable customs reformation movement .

  22. 他们不仅自身推行新生活运动的各项事宜,而且参加军训使得自身符合新生活运动倡导的内容。

    Not only do they own the implementation of the various issues of the New Life Movement , but also to participate in military training makes its own compliance with the New Life Movement advocated .

  23. 第二部分从抗战前线的新闻报道、声讨汪逆的新闻报道和新生活运动等报道研究方面研究抗日救亡类的新闻报道。

    The second part studies the news report of anti-Japanese and nation-saving campaign from the following aspects : the news reports of war front and denouncing traitor Wang , the New Life Movement and so on .

  24. 新生活运动促进总会在渝成立了伤兵之友总社,掀起了伤兵之友运动,为受伤官兵广征朋友。

    In Chongqing , in order to seek friends for the wounded , General Promotion Association of the New-Life Campaign set up the General Society of Friends of the Wounded , and launched the ( movement ) of friends of the wounded .

  25. 新生活运动的内容涉及清洁、规矩两项主要事宜,以礼义廉耻为基本准则,从改造国民日常生活入手,以三化为最终目标。

    The contents of the New Life Movement involves two main issues of " clean "," rules "," Honesty and Honor " as the basic criteria , starting from the transformation of national daily life ," three " as the ultimate goal .

  26. 同时,他们也参与到新生活运动的宣传、纠察活动中,充当了推行新生活运动的主要力量。不可否认,浙江前期新生活运动的推行有其积极的意义。

    They also participate in the publicity of the New Life Movement , picketing activities , acts as a major force in the implementation of the New Life Movement . Admittedly , Zhejiang early new life movement to implement has its positive significance .

  27. 新生活运动把中国传统的礼仪与西方基督教文明有机结合,提出了当时理想的国民形象,而当时大多数民众的真实形象与之相差甚远,新生活运动的关键则在于缩小这个差距。

    The New Life is an organic combination of traditional Confucianism and Western Christianity , putting forth an ideal national image at that time , quite difference with the majority of the real . The key of this movement is to narrow the gap .

  28. 安徽当今的建设需要借鉴新生活运动中的一些产生了积极影响的举措,同时吸取和避免其中的教训和问题,所以对安徽新生活运动的深入探索研究,具有一定现实的社会意义。

    The modern construction of Anhui need to learn from some of the New Life Movement produced positive effect measures , and learn from the lessons and problems among them , so research of the New Life Movement in Anhui with a certain practical social significance .

  29. 新生活运动的内容包含很多方面,主要有规矩与清洁、禁烟清毒和社会风俗改良、普及教育及识字运动、卫生防疫、战时宣传支援抗战和一些其他方面内容。

    The New Life Movement contains many aspects , mainly the " rules " and " clean ", opium poison and the social customs reformation , universal education and literacy movement , health and epidemic prevention , wartime propaganda to support the Anti Japanese War and some other aspects .

  30. 蒋介石夫妇提倡孔孟之道,发起“新生活”运动,严禁在城市内公开跳舞。

    In the same way , Chiang Kai-shek , reviving Confucianism , and Madame Chiang , instituting a New Life Movement , ordered public dancing in the cities to be suppressed .