
  • 网络Socialist enterprise;socialist firms
  1. 试论以人为本的社会主义企业管理理论

    An Exploration into the People-Oriented Management Theory of the Socialism Business

  2. 我们开始体会到社会主义企业间协作的好处。

    We began to appreciate the value of cooperation among socialist enterprises .

  3. 建设和发展社会主义企业文化的思考

    Reflection on the Construction and Development of Socialist Enterprise Culture

  4. 再论利润是社会主义企业生产的直接目的

    Further on the Direct Object of the Production of Socialist Enterprise Is Profit

  5. 浅议社会主义企业文化

    Elementary discussion on rhe culture of socialist enterprise

  6. 培育社会主义企业精神刍议

    On Developing Spirit of socialist Enterprises

  7. 社会主义企业纯收入

    Net income of socialist enterprise

  8. 在社会主义企业中,应当使职工真正拥有当家作主的权、责、利。

    In the socialist enterprise , should enable the workers truly have ownership of the rights , responsibilities and interests .

  9. 社会主义企业,开店经商的目的就是让顾客满意,向社会负责。

    The purpose of a socialist enterprise in running shops or doing Business is to satisfy customers and Be responsible to society .

  10. 企业思想政治工作是我们党的优良传统,是社会主义企业的特有优势。

    Enterprise 's ideological and political work is the fine tradition of our party , and the peculiar advantages of socialist enterprises .

  11. 工人阶级的存在和壮大决定着社会主义企业、社会主义思想及其制度的存在和发展。

    The working class ' social being and growth determine the existence and development of socialist enterprises , socialist ideology and system .

  12. 孙怀玉经济管理思想在新世纪的市场经济条件下的社会主义企业改革和经营中具有重要的现实意义。

    Sun , Huaiyu economy management ideas have important and realistic meaning for socialism enterprise reform and administration under the market economy situation .

  13. 社会主义企业文化必须与有中国特色社会主义文化在指导思想、建设目标及发展方向上保持一致。

    The culture of socialist enterprises must have the socialist culture with the Chinese characteristics which keeps identical in guiding thought , target of building and direction of development .

  14. 研究日本企业工资制度的这些特征及其在工资管理方面的成功做法和经验,对建立我国社会主义企业工资管理体系有着重要的借鉴意义。

    To establish a successful socialist business labor payment management sysem in our country it is important to make a in-depth study of the characteristics and successful practices of Japan 's business labor labor payment system .

  15. 蒋一苇企业本位论的核心是:社会主义企业是经济细胞,是独立商品生产者,必须按照商品生产和交换的规律来运作。

    The core of Jiang Yiwei 's I enterprise departmentalism is that socialist enterprise is the cell of the economy and the independent commodity producer , so it should be operated according to the law of the commodity produce and exchange .

  16. 由被动地听任国家的计划安排,到主动地面向市场,根据市场调节的无形之手开展经营,这是社会主义企业亘古未有的事业,是中国企业发展的新曙光。

    They change from the passive condition of being planned by the state to the active one of facing the market and operating according to the invisible hands of market . This is the career of socialist enterprises , which never existed before .

  17. 面对我国企业文化建设存在的问题,以及跨文化企业管理面对的文化冲突,本文希冀通过寻找企业文化与我国思想政治工作的结合点,来构筑具有中国特色的社会主义企业文化。

    Facing to the problems of development of enterprise culture as well as the cultural conflict in transnational corporation in china , I hope to construct the socialistic enterprise culture with Chinese feature by finding the combination between enterprise culture and the ideological politics work .

  18. 但这种认识并没有给社会主义企业带来高效率,原因是多方面的,例如所有者缺位造成的激励不相容,软预算约束,收入分配上的平均主义等。

    However this cognition did not bring the high efficiency to SOEs . There were many causes such as the incentives incompatibility as a result of owner departure , the soft budget constraints , the evenness principles of allocation etc. It is no doubt that the foregoing knowledge is profound .

  19. 中国特色社会主义现代企业制度的基本特征与制度安排

    Basic Characters and System Arrangement of Modern Socialist Enterprise System with Chinese Characteristics

  20. 坚持社会主义办企业方向努力提高现代化管理水平

    Adhere to socialist orientation and improve modern management

  21. 所有权和占有权的矛盾是社会主义国有企业的主要矛盾。

    The main contradictory of socialist state enterprise is the contradictory between own authority and occupied authority .

  22. 让我们面对事实,我们根本无法同中国社会主义的企业模式相抗衡。

    Lets just face facts , we will never be able to compete with China 's business oriented brand of socialism .

  23. 随着21世纪的到来,国有施工企业的经济体制改革已日益深化,在建立社会主义现代企业制度的同时,公司如何发挥最活跃的生产要素&人力资源的作用,已成为事关公司持续发展的重要课题。

    As increasingly innovating economic system of state enterprise , to elaborate and manage human resource , the most active factor to motivate productivity , become the most important topic in building up modernized enterprise regulation .

  24. 这方面,原社会主义国有制企业似乎认识更深刻一些。

    The State-Owned Enterprises of socialism were seemed to understand better the above aspect than the capitalism .

  25. 从性质上来说,我国国有企业是社会主义性质的企业,这决定了国有企业具有公益性与营利性的双重属性,而国有企业社会责任也因此具有其特殊性。

    From the nature , Chinese state-owned enterprises are socialist enterprise , which determines they have dual property about public welfare and profitability .

  26. 构建社会主义文明和谐企业,作为推进社会主义和谐社会建设的基础性工程,必须坚持以科学发展观为指导、以人为本、公平公正、激发活力、依法治企、协调关系与化解矛盾等原则。

    Constructing socialism civilization harmonious enterprise as basic project of pushing socialism harmonious construction must stick to such principles as the scientific concept of development , people first , equity and justice , inspiring energy and so on .

  27. 关于社会主义市场经济与企业道德的思考

    Reflections on Socialist Market Economy and the Morals of the Enterprises

  28. 社会主义市场经济与企业计划管理

    Socialist Market Economy and Business Planning Management

  29. 摘要建设社会主义新农村为企业进一步开发农村消费市场提供了新的契机。

    Building socialistic new countryside has provided with new opportunities for further exploit the consumptive market of the village .

  30. 第三部分从市场经济的发展过程以及社会主义市场经济对企业社会责任的要求出发,对企业社会责任的历史性进行分析。

    The third part provides a historical analysis of corporate social responsibility based on the development of market economy and socialist market economy .