
Hardly : with Russia a permanent member of the UN Security Council , that institution has been gridlocked over Ukraine .
Strictly speaking , the G-20 is not a forum to achieve rapprochement with Russia over Ukraine or adjudicate conflicting claims to waters in the South China Sea .
Something he says is critical to forming his overall ISIS strategy , but the major subject on NATO 's agenda will be Ukraine .
Kerry says it 's time to set the record straight about Ukraine .
He urged Moscow to be very careful in the judgments that it makes over Ukraine .
France 's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said an international donors ' conference is being discussed .
But Russia 's belligerence in Ukraine will inspire an acceleration in the upgrade of production infrastructure elsewhere .
The top diplomats from the US and Russia held a long marathon day of negotiations of Ukraine today .
We know that you 've been on the phone with the foreign ministers of some countries discussing this issue .
On the issue of Ukraine , China has adopted an objective and just position . We respect Ukraines independence , sovereignty and territorial integrity .
China is in communication with various parties , and we will play a constructive role in bringing about a political settlement of the Ukrainian issue .
A foreign ministry spokesman has commented on word that NATO is canceling meetings and cooperation with Russia , because of what 's happening in Ukraine .
NATO forces are relatively far away like this and officials have made clear they do not want to go to war with Russia over Ukraine .
Russia is seeking Chinese investment to develop its resources in its remote Siberian territory , and sustain it during a bruising battle with the west over Ukraine .
The very fact that America has ruled out military action over Ukraine – which makes the crisis seem less urgent in Washington – has inadvertently raised the stakes .
She says Nuland had to apologize to the European Union for a part of conversation when Nuland used coarse word to express frustration with the EU 's approach to Ukraine .
The sanctions were the toughest yet in the months-long stand-off with Russia over Ukraine , and plunged relations between Moscow and the west to their lowest levels since the cold war .
Mr. Lavrov talked up Russia 's favored approach to Ukraine , which envisions some form of federation as a hedge against Ukraine emerging as a unitary state with strong ties to the West .
MOSCOW The recent diplomatic thaw between Russia and the United States over the crisis in Ukraine has had little impact there , but it is being felt somewhere else in the Arctic Ocean , near the North Pole .
Whatever their disagreements over Ukraine , Russia , the United States and the other shoreline states have a shared interest in protecting the high Arctic from unregulated fishing that could affect these countries " coastal stocks , conservationists say .
MOSCOW - The recent diplomatic thaw between Russia and the United States over the crisis in Ukraine has had little impact there , but it is being felt somewhere else - in the Arctic Ocean , near the North Pole .
Russia has broadened its crackdown on McDonald 's to more than 200 separate investigations , in a campaign that makes the US fast food group one of the biggest casualties of Moscow 's festering stand-off with the west over Ukraine .
Beef with other countries and capitals . The United States will have beef with Russia over Ukraine , the United States will have beef with Syria , which is here over the terrible violence that 's gone on there for years .
Such a project would rival the International Space Station ( ISS ) , an orbiting laboratory that involves 15 nations including Russia and the United States.Moscow has cast doubt on the ISS 's long-termfuture as ties with Washington plummet over Ukraine .
At the same time , the issue of Ukraine has added to the complexity of the geopolitical situation , and also exerted an impact on the process of economic recovery . We hope that there will be a negotiated settlement of this issue through dialogue .
Although just a few years ago the Kremlin was reluctant to allow the Chinese direct access to the most valuable industries of the Far East , it had to change its mind when faced with Western isolation over Ukraine and now having few alternatives but China .
Investors and Russian citizens are now looking to an annual press conference by Mr Putin tomorrow for signals on how he plans to deal with the crisis & and in particular for any signs that he may soften his stance on Ukraine in an attempt to ease sanctions .
Moscow has denied any involvement in eastern Ukraine .
China has taken a carefully neutral stance on the Ukraine conflict , while more broadly expressing its support for Russia .
Wang Yi : First , let me tell you that China follows a just and objective position on the issue of Ukraine , and we have stated our position on multiple occasions .