
  • 网络wulaga gold deposit
  1. 乌拉嘎金矿主要控矿因素是构造破碎带及裂隙带、斜长花岗斑岩体和老基底变质杂岩。

    The main factors of orebody controlling in Wulaga gold deposit are structure belt , fracture belt , plagioclase granitic porphyry and metamorphic rock of basement .

  2. 石英是乌拉嘎金矿重要的脉石矿物,也是金的主要载体。

    Quartz is the main gold-bearing mineral in the area studied .

  3. 通过矿床成矿地质条件及控矿因素的研究,建立了乌拉嘎金矿床找矿标型。

    By the research of mineralization geological conditions and mineralization controlling factors , the exploration signs of old Wulaga deposit were set up .

  4. 在乌拉嘎金矿区的张才沟靶区获得低阻高极化和高阻高极化异常,可望找到含金石英脉及含矿破碎带。

    The abnormity has been gained with low resistance and high polarization in Zhangcaigou target of Wulaga gold diggings , and it is hoped that the gold bearing veins and belts could be finded .

  5. 乌拉嘎金矿企精矿中硫化物包裹金及矿泥含量多,采用常规氰化浸出工艺,浸出率在84%左右;

    The gold in the concentrate are enclosed by sulphide . The slime content of the concentrate is great , thus the gold leaching rate by conventional cyanide leaching is only 84 % or so .