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jiǔ ɡōnɡ
  • Jiugong;modes of ancient Chinese music
九宫 [jiǔ gōng]
  • [modes of ancient Chinese music] 宫调

  1. 编写VB程序解决九宫图问题

    Solving the Problem of " JiuGongTu " by VB Program

  2. 除了形容词gigantic与enormous的合成词ginormous(特大的;甭提有多大)外,Bollywood(宝莱坞)、sudoku(“数独”九宫格游戏)和speeddating(速配)也被收入词典。

    Along with embracing the adjective that combines " gigantic " and " enormous ," the dictionary publishers also got into Bollywood , sudoku and speed dating .

  3. 重排九宫问题中的可解性定理

    Theorem of Solvability for the 8 - Puzzle Problem

  4. 九宫排定问题的新算法

    A new algorithm for the scheduling problem in 9-lattice

  5. 在中国传统音乐中,九宫既有宫又有调。

    In traditional Chinese music , the nine gongs include both gongs and notes .

  6. 而《洛书》的九宫图,也是这种三才观的推衍。

    Imperial palace chart in Lo Shu also shows the evolution of such concept .

  7. 数独盘面是个九宫,每一宫又分为九个小格。

    Sudoku disk is Jiu Gong , every house is divided into nine small cells .

  8. 您都用微博做些什么呢?您是否使用第三方应用,如‘九宫格日记’等,为什么?

    What do you use micro-blog for ? How many applications do you use in micro-blogging ?

  9. 没有九宫格,也没有模版,被试者即兴创作的是密画,而非密码。

    No grid , no template : the subjects improvised a pass-doodle , rather than a password .

  10. 后来,他转身又走进双鱼座和你们的第九宫9月9日。

    Later , he turns around and heads back into Pisces and your ninth house on September9th .

  11. 本文主要在传统方法的基础上,研究了一种基于学习的九宫问题求解方法。

    Based on the traditional ways , a learning-based method to solve Nine Puzzle problem is thus proposed .

  12. 右边是八个填满数字的九宫格,左边则是一个题为“您的数字”的表格,表面覆有涂层。

    On the left was a box headlined " Your Numbers ," covered with a scratchable latex coating .

  13. 文中提出的一种九宫格算法,很好地解决了数字地图数据的动态刷新问题。

    A new effective algorithm for massive digital map data dynamic update and management , nine-grid method , is offered .

  14. 现在土星已经离开了你的第九宫,一段重要的长途旅行将会变得更加可行。

    Now that Saturn has left your ninth house , an important long trip would become more likely and feasible .

  15. 这个月里,水星将穿越第九宫掌控旅行和海外人际关系的金牛座。

    This month , Mercury will move through Taurus in your ninth house of travel and your relationships with people abroad .

  16. 随着触摸屏的出现,如今移动设备上常用的“九宫格”式和四位密码都过时了。

    With the advent of touchscreens , the three-by-three grids and four-digit passcodes popular on today 's mobile devices are anachronistic .

  17. 第九宫的新月代表了宗教哲学和高等教育以及长期计划及长途旅行。

    The New Moon occurs in your Ninth House of religion , philosophy , higher education , long-range plans and long distance travel .

  18. 月亮与金星有很完美的相位,金星在你长途旅行的第九宫。

    There will be a perfect alignment between the moon and Venus , the planet of love and harmony , in your ninth house of long distance journeys .

  19. 实验人员被告知在24小时内不得接触酒精与其他类型的兴奋剂,他们被集中在一个房间里,并要求做一个九宫格游戏。

    The men , who had been told to avoid alcohol and other stimulants for24 hours , were led to a room and given a Sudoko puzzle to solve .

  20. 你的第二守护星,火星,会向你的第九宫(高等教育、外地旅游、哲学理念等)进法,你将会受惠于旅行,或有一个全然是新的机会,面对全新的设定。

    With your secondary ruler , Mars , moving through your ninth house , you will benefit from travel and the opportunity to be in a completely new setting .

  21. 太一行九宫是中国古代方术之一,《黄帝内经》理论的建构,也借用了太一行九宫的思想。

    The idea of Taiyi in Jiugong is one of ancient Chinese Fangshu and some of the viewpoints in it were borrowed into the Yellow Emperor 's Internal Organs .

  22. 这次是月食,月亮掌管你的关于出版、传播、媒体和国际项目、人际关系的第九宫。

    This is an eclipse of the moon , so the moon rules your solar ninth house of publishing , broadcasting , academia , and international projects , and relationships .

  23. 当9月开始时,你会很高兴有火星,你的统治者,像神一样和巨蟹座很和谐,照亮你的代表学习和旅行的第九宫。

    As the month begins , you will be happy to have Mars , your ruler , in divinely compatible Cancer , lighting your ninth house of study and travel .

  24. 掌管交流的水星将于周四进入你的第九宫,紧接着周五的新月也在同一地方发生。

    Mercury , the planet of communication , will enter your ninth house on Thursday , followed by a new moon in this same part of your chart on Friday .

  25. 这里,提出了基于规则的笔画形变算法进行形变并利用基于特殊九宫格辅助偏旁部首的判定。

    Here , the Rule-based Stroke Deformation Algorithm is proposed to deform the original strokes according to the handwriting strokes , and The Special Nine Grid is presented to help recognize radicals .

  26. 从天文角度来说,第九宫指行星从中天(如上图)顺时针到达顶点两小时后所占据的、当地天空中的十二分之一的区域。

    Astronomically speaking , the sixth house is that one-twelfth sector of the local sky just below the western horizon ( see above picture ) occupied by planets in the two hours after they set .

  27. 提出一种基于累进地平线的可见性判断方法,利用模型的轮廓线构造累进地平线,加快地形的遮挡剔除,并对九宫格算法进行性能分析和误差评估。

    A novel visibility algorithm based on progressive horizon is proposed . With the contour of models , the progressive horizon can be constructed and occlusion culling is accelerated . The performance analysis and error estimate of generated terrain are studied .

  28. 该概念模型是由创新主体(员工、顾客、供应商)和创新阶段(概念阶段、开发阶段、引入阶段)二维变量构成9个方块(九宫图)。

    The conceptual model is a square drawing with two-dimensional variable that consist of innovative subjects ( employees , customers , suppliers ) and innovative stage ( conceptualization stage , development stage , introduction stage ), including nine boxes ( Lo Shu Square ) .

  29. 包括运用改进型控制图(九宫控制图)实施软件成果物的质量控制,运用龚珀兹曲线实施缺陷预测,运用决策树实施基于风险考虑的成本估算,运用挣值原理实现成本的实时管理。

    Includes using improved control chart ( jiugong control chart ) implementing software quality control , the use of Gompertz curve of the implementation of defect prediction , using decision tree based on risk-based cost estimation , using Earned Value principle of real-time implementation of cost management .

  30. 1645年,李自成在湖北通山县九宫山遭到地主武装的袭击,壮烈牺牲,1646年底,张献忠壮烈牺牲。

    In 1645 , Li Zicheng was attacked by the landlord force in Jiugongshan Mountain of Tongshan County , Hubei and died a hero , s death . At the end of 1646 , Zhang Xianzhong died and the peasants uprising at the later period of Ming failed eventually .