
dòng xiàng
  • trend;movement;tendency;direction;march;tide;moving direction;pointer
动向 [dòng xiàng]
  • (1) [movement]∶发展变化的方向;趋势

  • 斗争动向

  • (2) [march]∶行动方向

  • 不喜欢舆论界目前的动向

动向[dòng xiàng]
  1. 交易商已经摸清了动向,相应提高了价格。

    Dealers have already got wise to the trend and increased their prices accordingly .

  2. 移动通信用SAW滤波器发展动向

    The Trend of SAW Filter Used in Mobile Communication

  3. 这个展览表明她的创作有几个新动向。

    The exhibition provides evidence of several new directions in her work .

  4. 论文对欧洲的动向亦表现出浓厚的兴趣。

    The papers also show a lively interest in European developments .

  5. 这些人是观察外交政策领域动向的行家里手。

    These people are very sophisticated observers of the foreign policy scene .

  6. 气象预报员也在追踪飓风“约瑟芬”的动向。

    Forecasters are also tracking hurricane Josephine .

  7. 我们的雷达开始追踪喷气式飞机的动向。

    Our radar began tracking the jets

  8. 密切注意敌人动向。

    Keep a close watch on the enemy 's movements .

  9. 警方密切注视着他的动向。

    The police are keeping a watch on his movement .

  10. 房地产的这一新动向暗示的什么?为什么这些城市有如此魅力?

    What is underlying this new movement in real estate , and why do these cities have so much appeal ?

  11. 期间,他在这座火山周围设置了高精度的GPS定位站网络,从而监测它的动向。

    In that time , he 's placed a network of high-precision GPS stations around the mountain to monitor its behaviour .

  12. 关于CAD技术的发展动向和应用推广的若干建议

    Analysis on the Development Trends of CAD Technology and Some Proposals for its Further Application

  13. 日本Landscape学术研究动向

    Japanese Landscape Academic Research Trend

  14. 2000年CCD市场与技术动向

    CCD 's Market and Technology Trends in 2000

  15. 欧洲(EU)电信自由化和民营化的动向

    Telecom Liberalization and Privatization in EU

  16. 美国生物医学界的MEMS器件的应用和研究动向

    Research Trends of MEMS Devices in American Biomedical Circle

  17. RFID标签发展动向及市场潜力

    Tendency & Marketing Development Of RFID Label

  18. SBS加氢茂金属催化剂开发动向

    New developing trends of metallocene catalysts for SBS hydrogenation

  19. 传统的黄原二硫化物衍生物调节型CR的性能得到了全面提高,出现了CR同特种橡胶结合的新动向;

    A traditional xanthic disulfide ( XD ) modified CR was improved greatly and a new trend combining CR with speciality elastomer emerged .

  20. Rational公司从当前对软件开发过程的需求及其动向出发,提出了UML柔性软件开发过程的概念,并以Rose为核心创建了迭代式的UML集成化支持环境的框架方案。

    Rational creates flexible software development process for Unified Modeling Language , and establish a iteratively integrated development framework based on UML with Rational Rose as the kernel .

  21. 电动汽车用动力型MH-Ni电池开发动向

    Development trends of Ni MH battery for the power of electric vehicles

  22. 本论文紧跟科技发展动向,主要研究了基于与或阵列结构的PLD的可测性设计问题。

    Hard following science and technology development , the thesis focuses on the testable design of PLDs with AND-OR arrays .

  23. 面向3R包装容器的开发动向

    The Developing of 3R Package

  24. 介绍了世界LCD市场发展势头和LCD技术发展动向,综述了世界主要国家和地区LCD产业现状和发展趋势,详述了我国液晶显示技术发展和产业现状。

    The trends of LCD technology and LCD markets in the world are introduced . The state-of-arts of LCD industries in the main countries of the world are reviewed .

  25. 第1章阐述了本课题的研究内容及意义,介绍了3S集成技术的国内外动向,详细论述了本课题中3S集成技术在雷达中的研究目标及研究内容。

    Chapter 1 introduces domestic and overseas situation and developing trend of ' 3S ' technology , and presents the research context and significance .

  26. 日本ASV安全汽车的技术研究动向

    The Technical Trends of Japan 's ASV Safety Automobiles

  27. SDV和HFC的发展动向

    Development Trend of SDV and HFC

  28. 概要介绍了近年来国际上就地震预测所展开的争论,分析了VAN方法所反映的地震前兆研究动向;

    This paper introduces briefly the recent argument of earthquake prediction among seismologist in the world . It outlines the trend of earthquake precursory study on the basis of analysis of VAN prediction method .

  29. 作为DNA加合物研究手段的DNA加合物分析技术,将传统仪器分析与分子生物学技术相结合,其分析方法既体现了现代分析仪器的新进展,也反映出分子生物学研究的新动向。

    Analytical techniques of DNA adduct acting as research means for DNA adduct , which combines traditional instrumental analysis with techniques of molecular biology , can imply not only novel advances on the instrumental analysis but also the trends of research methods in the molecular biology .

  30. 概述了高密度FPC、弯曲性、多层FPC、安装技术和环境友好型FPC等FPC的最新技术动向。

    This paper describes the newly technology trend of FPC involving high density FPC , deflection , multilayer FPC , mounting technology and environment friendly type FPC etc.