
  • 网络Animal sculpture
  1. 黄河流域史前动物雕塑研究

    The Research on Neolithic Animal Sculpture Along the Yellow River Valleys

  2. 黄河流域的史前动物雕塑,作为这一地区史前文化的有机组成部分,有其自身的功能和内涵。

    As part of the organic components of Neolithic culture in this region , the Neolithic animal sculpture along the Yellow River Valley had its functions and contexts .

  3. 《母狼》和《马踏飞燕》比较研究&浅论动物雕塑的神性化处理

    Comparative Research of Female Wolf and Horse Stepping on Flying Swallow

  4. 动物雕塑的写生与造型

    Sketch from Animal and Animal Sculpture

  5. 史前动物雕塑的功能与内涵,与动物雕塑的形式、艺术风格以及动物雕塑表现的动物种类之间有着密切的关系。

    The functions and contexts of the Neolithic animal sculpture were closely related to the form , artistic style and choices of animal types adopted for the sculpture .

  6. 他用这种方式创作了很多动物雕塑,包括孔雀、高地山羊、驼鹿、绵羊、秃鹫、鲨鱼和鹿。

    In that medium , he 's built a whole range of animals , including peacocks , ibex , moose , sheep , vultures , sharks , and deer .

  7. 不同地区或同一地区不同发展阶段的史前动物雕塑,在形式和内容上的差异与变化,反映了动物雕塑在功能与内涵上的差异和演变。

    Different regions or various development phases within one particular region of the Neolithic sculpture had variations and changes in forms and contexts , which also reflected the variations and evolvements of functions and contexts of the Neolithic animal sculpture .

  8. 本文的内容,即是对黄河流域出土的史前动物雕塑进行整理和研究,对其发现情况、分期、雕塑技法、功能与内涵等问题进行初步探讨。

    The contents of this dissertation , which is the compilation and research on Neolithic animal sculptures unearthed along the Yellow River Valleys , shall make initial discussions on problems concerning the discovery status , at different phases , sculpture techniques , functions and contexts , etc.

  9. 还有,为什么把那些小动物的雕塑放在建筑物顶部呢?

    Well , why were those small animal sculptures placed on the tops of the buildings ?

  10. 所以我去了他佛罗里达的大豪宅,到处都是食肉动物的雕塑

    So I went to Al Dunlap 's grand Florida mansion that was filled with sculptures of predatory animals .

  11. 在参观期间,希拉克对从考古现场挖掘出来的数千件物品包括青铜制动物和雕塑大加赞赏。

    During the visit , Chirac admired the archeological site where thousands of objects have been dug up , including bronze animals and statues .

  12. 美术主要采用彩陶的形式,同时还有人形或动物形状的陶器雕塑和陶制房屋模型。

    Art mainly took the form of colored pottery as well as man-like or animal-like pottery sculptures and pottery house models .