
  • 网络Jiulongpo;jiulongpo district
  1. 这次调查的目的在于分析重庆币九龙坡区意外伤害的外因及分布情况。

    This investigation analyses the external causes and epidemiological distribution of accidental injuries in Jiulongpo District of Chongqing .

  2. 北部新区的居委会和村委会数已分别分解到九龙坡区和渝北区。

    Neighborhood committees and village committees of Chongqing Northern New Development Zone are divided into Jiulongpo District and Yubei District respectively .

  3. 启动议式由九龙坡区区委书记郑洪同志主持。

    Opens the proposal type to manage by Kowloon slope area district party committee Secretary Zheng Hong Comrade .

  4. 山地住区规划的生态内涵&以重庆九龙坡区九龙居住园区控规为例

    The Ecological Immanent of the Mountain Residential District Planning & With the Controlling Detail Planning of Jiulong Residential District in Chongqing as an Example

  5. 以重庆市九龙坡区为例,对引入外部性的因素法体系的农用地估价进行探讨。

    In this paper , we will research the impact of exterior-factor in the case of agricultural land grading and evaluation of Jiulongpo district in Chongqing city .

  6. 渝中区、江北区、渝北区、沙坪坝区、南岸区、九龙坡区、大渡口区、巴南区、北部新区

    Yuzhong District , Jiangbei District , Yubei District , Shapingba District , Nanan District , Jiulongpo District , Dadukou District , Banan District , and Northern New Zone

  7. 重庆市区包括渝中区、南岸区、江北区、沙坪坝、渝北、沙坪坝、九龙坡区及大渡河区。

    The urban area of Chongqing proper includes the following districts : Yuzhong district , Nan'an district , Jiangbei district , Shapingba district , Jiulongpo district and Dadukou district .

  8. 通讯中国移动、中国联通、中国电信、中国网通、中国铁通等国内主要通讯企业对九龙坡区进行了网络全覆盖,可满足各种通讯需要。

    Communication the network in Jiulongpo District is thoroughly covered by some main communication enterprises of china , such as China mobile , China unicom , China telecom , China Netcom and China railcom , which is sufficient to meet kinds of demands .

  9. 本文在重庆九龙坡区九龙居住园区控规实践的基础上,试图通过对山地城镇中住区规划设计的分析研究,挖掘山地住区规划的生态内涵。

    Taking the design of ″ The controlling detail planning of Jiulong residential district in Chongqing ″ as an example , this paper try to reveal the ecological immanent of the mountain residential district through analyzing the design of residential district in mountainous cities and towns .