
mǎi jià
  • purchasing price;buying price
买价 [mǎi jià]
  • [buying price] 买进的价格

买价[mǎi jià]
  1. 进项税额=买价x扣除率

    Input tax = Purchasing price * Deduction rate

  2. 从事艺术品市场数据分析的美丽资产咨询公司(BeautifulAssetAdvisors)也认为,在上述两场拍卖中售出的具有以往买价数据的艺术品年均复合回报率略高于6%(平均持有时间达14年)。

    Art market tracker Beautiful Asset Advisors also reckons that sold lots in the two auctions for which there were prior purchase price data generated an average compound annual return of just over 6 per cent ( with an average 14-year holding period ) .

  3. 买价合计为三百万元左右。

    The purchase price figures out at about three million yuan .

  4. 买价主要为30美元至40美元之间的中低位。

    Purchases were primarily in the low to mid $ 30s .

  5. 该售价比瓦德拉公布的买价高出六倍以上。

    It was more than seven times his reported purchase price .

  6. 不需要的东西,无论买价多少都贵。

    A thing you don 't want is dear at any price .

  7. 一种买价昂贵的仪器,但运行起来费用低廉。

    An expensive instrument to buy , but its running costs were low .

  8. 您的沽盘价格低于市场第一买价,继续执行吗?

    Your order price is smaller than the current Bid Price . Continue ?

  9. 你要报卖价还是买价?

    Do you want another price or what would you like to do ?

  10. 给两家公司不止两倍的过高买价如同给其中一家过高报价一样疯狂。

    Overpaying for two music firms is thus not twice as crazy as overpaying for one .

  11. 债券的购入一般按成本(包括买价和经纪人佣金)计价。

    The purchase of bonds is generally recorded at cost ( including purchase price and brokerage commissions ) .

  12. 来宝仍获准在普氏交易窗口接受其他公司的买价和卖价。

    Noble will still be allowed to accept other companies ' bids and offers in the Platts trading window .

  13. 30年后,这些手表的价值,会是其当时买价的几百倍,甚至上千倍。

    Thirty years later these same watches are worth hundreds , perhaps even a thousand , times what he paid .

  14. 我以高於买价的价格卖出,因此我净赚十五元。

    I sell it for more than I paid for it , so I am $ 15 to the good .

  15. “在这阶段,他们似乎会观望,等待其他人,当买价更高一些”。

    At this stage , they seem to be holding on , waiting for someone else to bid prices higher .

  16. 若缺少的年数多,就要按着年数,从买价中偿还他的赎价。

    If many years remain , he must pay for his redemption a larger share of the price paid for him .

  17. 曼城、利物浦和切尔西已经在原则上同意满足这位25岁阿根廷人的买价。

    Manchester City , Liverpool and Chelsea have all now , in principle , reached the asking price for the25-year-old Argentine .

  18. 干嘛这样,说不定某天它价格会翻倍,能达到我当时买价的一半。

    Come on , one day , this may double in value and be worth half what I paid for it .

  19. 公司保留对设备及其附属项目的所有权,知道总买价全部付清为止。

    Corporation shall retain title in and to the Equipment and Associated Items until payment in full of the Total Purchase Price .

  20. 我们也乐见更高的买价。但是价格确实是由市场来决定的。

    We would also like to sell it at higher prices . But it is really the market that sets the price .

  21. 银行根据国际外汇市场行情,按照国际惯例报出买价和卖价。

    Bank basis market level of international foreign currency , according to international convention the newspaper gives purchase price and sale price .

  22. 投资者在作出是否买入或者卖出的决定时,不需要投入全部的注意力去研究像股价的市盈率或者买价与卖价的比率这些基本面的因素。

    Investors don 't pay a whole lot of attention to fundamentals like price-to-earnings or price-to-sales ratios when they make decisions on whether to buy or sell .

  23. 交易成本通常是债券的买价和卖价之间的差距,每家银行不一样。

    The cost of transaction is usually the difference between the purchase price and sale price of the bond , and may vary from bank to bank .

  24. 丢了工作、股价暴跌、房屋价格远低于当初的买价,婚姻关系往往会在这种时候出现问题。

    Times like this jobs lost , stock prices tanking and the value of your house somewhere south of your purchase price lead to problems in relationships .

  25. 在最近几周内,又谣传格雷泽家族已经暗地邀请买价准备要出售曼联俱乐部。

    And , in recent weeks , there have been rumours that they could be ready to sell up , with suggestions they have secretly invited offers for the club .

  26. 这份概要显示,瓦德拉总共出售了逾700英亩拉贾斯坦邦土地,相当于他所持该邦土地面积的三分之一左右,卖地所得高达270万美元,接近他手中拉贾斯坦邦所有土地买价的三倍。

    In all , Mr. Vadra has sold more than 700 Rajasthan acres , about a third of his holdings in the state , for $ 2.7 million , according to the summary .

  27. 当你承诺购买上述房子时,也承诺把房子卖掉:尽管未必买入立即售出,售价未必等于买价,买你房子的人未必是当初卖给你的人。

    As you promised to buy the house in question , you also promised to sell it : though not necessarily at just the same time or price or to the same person .

  28. 他估计,大多数公寓能翻新成西式风格(有烤箱的开放式厨房、较高的厨房台面等等),需要的价钱大约是买价的15%。

    He estimates that most flats can be renovated to a western spec – open kitchens with ovens , higher countertops and the like – for about 15 per cent of the purchase price .

  29. 购入的存货,以买价加运输、卸,保险等费用,运输途中的合理损耗、库前的挑选,整理费用和应缴纳的税金作为实际成本。

    The historical cost of inventory purchased includes the purchase consideration , transportation , loading and unloading expenses , insurance , reasonable loss incurred in transit , preparatory ex-penses incurred before warehousing and taxes payable .

  30. 固定资产的成本包括买价、关税金、买佣金和其他为取得资产和使其达到交付使用状况的一切支出。

    The cost of a plant asset is the purchase price , applicable tax-es , purchase commissions , and all other amounts paid to ac-quire the asset and to ready it for its intended use .