
mǎi rù huì lǜ
  • buying rate
买入汇率[mǎi rù huì lǜ]
  1. 中间汇率是买入汇率和卖出汇率的算术平均数。

    Middle rate is the arithmetic average rate of buying rate and selling rate , used for inter-bank .

  2. 买入汇率:外汇银行和经纪人同意购买外汇的汇率。

    Buying rate of exchange : the rate at which foreign exchange Banks and Brokers agree to Buy foreign currency .

  3. 因此,贸易协议还应批准补偿性汇率干预,通过这种干预,受害国可以通过买入汇率操纵国同样数额的货币,抵消汇率操纵国买入受害国货币的影响。

    Hence trade pacts should also authorise countervailing currency intervention , through which it could offset the manipulators ' purchases of its currency by buying equal amounts of theirs .

  4. 银行卖出外汇之汇率(卖出价)高于买入外汇之汇率(买入价)。

    The rates at which the banks sell foreign exchange ( selling rates ) are higher than the rates at which they buy ( buying rates ) .

  5. 远期汇率可能会高于、低于或等于银行卖出外汇(卖出汇率)要比买入外汇(买入汇率)的价格要高。

    The forward rate may be higher or lower than , or on the same level as , the spot rate .