
  1. 雏凤清于老凤声。(李商隐《韩冬郎即席为诗相送因成二绝》)

    A young Phoenix sings better than an old one . [ said of a son surpassing his father or of a student surpassing his master ] .

  2. 现在我要请你品尝扬州小吃第二绝,千层油糕。

    I 'm treating you to Yangzhou 's second wonder , thousand-layer cake .

  3. 董事会可以在任何会议中,通过三分之二绝大多数董事会成员的投票通过的情况下,对本章程进行修改、修订或替换。

    These Bylaws may be altered , amended , or repealed at any meeting of the Board of Directors with approval of a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors .

  4. (二)绝或者妨碍依法检查监督的。

    To refuse or obstruct the checks and supervision according to law .

  5. 但是前人研究中所涉及的第二语言绝大部分是英语,而且这些研究都采用的都是非实证的研究设计。

    But the L2 that has been mostly investigated is English and the research designs of most studies are not experimental in nature .

  6. 大批法国和德国公司在近期收益报告中抱怨称,强势的欧元(二季度绝大多数时间对美元汇率都达到三年来最高点)已使他们的生意更加雪上加霜。

    A raft of French and German companies have complained in their latest earnings reports that the strength of the euro – which spent most of the quarter close to a three-year high against the dollar , had made life more difficult for them .

  7. 第二,我绝不会无意中破坏代码。

    Secondly , I simply cannot inadvertently break the code .

  8. 他滞留到第二天下午才绝别人世

    He languished until the following afternoon when he finally succumbed

  9. 第二页上的绝大部分内容都是废话。

    Most of the second page is just padding .

  10. 干旱的季节已经持续到第二个年头,绝大部分领主更加难以容忍偷猎,而他们本来就不怎么宽容。

    With the drought entering its second year , most lords had become less tolerant of poaching , and they hadn 't been very tolerant to begin with .