
  • 网络yunhe county
  1. 2000-2007年浙江省云和县鼠疫监测结果分析

    Surveillance results of plague in Yunhe county , Zhejiang province , 2000-2007

  2. 云和县召开玩具行业协会2007年第一次理事会

    Yunhe County opens the first council of toy profession association convention in 2007

  3. 云和县古树名木资源现状及保护对策

    Current Situation and Protection of Ancient and Famous Trees in Yunhe

  4. 云和县原料林基地建设现状及发展对策

    Construction Status and Development Countermeasures of Raw Material Forest Base in Yunhe

  5. 浙江省云和县木玩具行业发展的思考

    Thought for Development of Wooden Plaything Trade in Yunhe Country of Zhejiang

  6. 雨雪冰冻灾害对云和县主要森林群落的影响

    Effect of Freezing Rain and Snow Disaster on Main Forest Community in Yunhe County

  7. 云和县安溪小流域治理&河道治理技术探讨

    Technique of river regulation for small watershed treatment of Anxi river in Yunho county

  8. 提高产品设计能力打造木制玩具自主品牌&论云和县木制玩具业的发展

    Developing Products Designing Ability and Creating Independent Brand of Wooden Toys & on Development of Wooden Toys Industry in Yunhe

  9. 浙江省云和县木制玩具业发展经历了普及、腾飞到二次创业三个阶段。

    The wood toy industry of Yunhe County , Zhejiang Province experiences 3 developing stages - popularization , prosperity and a second undertaking .

  10. 加速产业集群培育促进玩具快速发展&浙江省云和县木制玩具工业园区发展探索

    Accelerate the industry cluster growth , promote toy companies fast development & Exploration of wooden toy industrial park development in Yunhe town of Zhejiang province

  11. 根据云和县木制玩具产业的实际情况,对木制玩具产业的3个发展历程进行分析,并提出云和县木制玩具产业化进一步发展的5点措施。

    Based on analysis on3 development stages and current situation of wooden toy production in Yunhe , Zhejiang province , 5 countermeasures were offered for further development .

  12. 项目背景及建设条件:云和县地处浙江省西南山区“浙江绿谷”丽水市腹地,是浙江省对外开发县之一。

    Project Background and Construction Condition : Yunhe county is located in Lishui city which is in the south-west of Zhejiang Province , and also one of the famous opening counties to be developed .

  13. 云和县现有古树名木31科43属68种2830株,其中:散生的373,群生的2457株;

    There are 2 830 ancient and famous trees belonging to species 68 of 43 genera of 31 families in Yunhe county , Zhejiang province , among them , 373 tress scattered distribution and 2457 massive distribution .

  14. 在新的形势下如何发展云和木制玩具产业&云和县经贸局局长程晓东访谈

    How to develop Yunhe wooden toys industry in the new situaction & The visit to Director General Cheng Xiaodong from Yunhe Economy and Trade Bureau

  15. 为了保障云和师傅培训实效性,云和县政府采取一系列的方法和措施。

    In order to guarantee Yunhe Master training effectiveness , Yunhe Government takes a series of methods and measures .