
  • 网络Skylon;The Stratosphere;Stratosphere Tower;Skylon Tower
  1. “云霄塔”系无人驾驶,它没有外部助推火箭,其发动机靠氢氧燃料提供推力。

    The unpiloted Skylon has no external rockets , and its engines uses hydrogen and oxygen for propulsion .

  2. “云霄塔”将可以从一个标准机场跑道起飞,然后以高于5倍音速的速度飞行。

    Skylon will take off from a standard airport runway and travel at more than five times the speed of sound .

  3. 高1149英尺的云霄观测塔和枫丹白露的度假酒店等建筑也为拉斯维加斯增添了不少名气,虽然这些建筑还未竣工,但已建成部分高达735英尺。

    Other structures that add to its prominence are the Stratosphere Observation Tower at 1149 feet and the Fontainebleau Resort Hotel , which although incomplete , has been topped out at 735 feet .