
  • 网络Sky Hotel;HOTEL SKY
  1. 就在瑞士广阔的天空下,概念酒店NullStern与酒店业专家丹尼尔·沙博尼耶合作,以全新的住宿体验使人们重新认识了露营。

    Directly under the big , wide Swiss sky conceptual hoteliers Null Stern in collaboration with hospitality professional Daniel Charbonnier have redefined camping with a new lodging experience .

  2. 日落时分,炎热只有最轻微的缓解,幻影战斗机咆哮着远去,大群的白鹭在天空盘旋,落到酒店花园的树上。

    As the sun sets , bringing minimal relief from the heat , the mirages roar off , and huge flocks of egrets fly over and settle in the trees in the hotel garden .