
mó fǎnɡ xiù
  • imitation show
  1. 湖北第二师范学院第四届英文原声电影模仿秀大赛决赛现在开始!

    I hereby declare the commencement of the forth English movie imitation show , and today is our final . Let 's begin our contest .

  2. 模仿秀民事侵权行为研究

    On the civil tort of notability - imitation show

  3. 《鳄鱼》杂志(Krokodil)、《侦探》杂志(PrivateEye)、模仿秀SpittingImage、《鸭鸣报》(CanardEnchainé)、以及《查理周刊》的主办者,都是这种传统的传人。

    the begetters of Krokodil and Private Eye , Spitting Image and Canard Enchain é as well as Charlie Hebdo .

  4. 其中一家是Eloquii,它的目标很像Zara在主流市场的做法:在大码市场领域内向顾客提供模仿秀台潮流但价格低于精品店或商场的服装。

    One is Eloquii , which aims to do for the plus market what Zara has done in the mainstream market : offer customers options that mimic runway trends but at prices that are lower than those in boutiques and department stores .

  5. 他在夜总会表演名人模仿秀。

    He is an entertainer who impersonates celebrities at night clubs .

  6. 在卓别林模仿秀中,查理卓别林本人获得了第三名。

    Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest .

  7. 小沈阳:我会模仿秀。

    Shenyang : I can do a mock show .

  8. 他是模仿秀的冠军。

    It 's the winner of the iook-allke contest .

  9. 那是我最成功的一次艾莉模仿秀

    I was doing my best Ali imitation ever .

  10. 他舞台表演最精彩的部分是对猫王的模仿秀。

    The piece de resistance of his stage act was an Elvis Presley impression .

  11. 换句话说,人们指责蒂莫西斯波只是带来了一个丘吉尔的夸张模仿秀。

    In other words , Spall was accused of delivering a caricature of Churchill .

  12. 模仿秀现在开始!

    Now is the show time !

  13. 但是现在你已经成熟了,而生活也不是一场模仿秀。

    But youre all grown up now and life is not a game of Follow the Leader .

  14. 但是现在你已经成熟了,而生活也不是一场模仿秀。从现在开始追寻你的梦想吧!

    But you 're all grown up now and life is not a game of Follow the Leader .

  15. 记住,一旦碰到麻烦就来一段我教你的模仿秀。

    And remember , if you get into a jam , just do the impression I taught you .

  16. 如时下最为普遍的诸如山寨明星、搭明星顺风车等商业模仿秀更是凸显了这一矛盾。

    Nowadays the most common commercial parody reflects this contradiction further , such as " copycat Star ", " take-Star ride ", and so on .

  17. 杨希望将来有更多的扶轮社员来作哈理斯模仿秀。他说:「与其讲一堂保罗,到不如作一场模仿秀更来得有效。」

    Young hopes more Rotarians will become Harris impersonators . " a lecture about Paul is not as effective as an impersonation ," he says .

  18. 政治会不会模仿电视真人秀?

    Could politics be imitating reality TV ?