
  • 网络Analog Signal Processing;analog processing
  1. 基于FPGA的线阵CCD驱动时序及模拟信号处理的设计

    Design of the time driving and analog signal processing for linear CCD based on FPGA

  2. 现今,CCⅡ在诸如有源滤波器、模拟信号处理、A/D和D/A转换器等方面已逐渐取代了传统的电压运放。

    Today they replace the conventional OPAMP in so many applications such as active filters , analog signal processing , and A / D , D / A converters .

  3. 现代数字信号处理技术的进步使GPS接收机已逐渐从模拟信号处理技术过渡为数字信号处理技术,从硬件接收机过渡为软件接收机。

    The development of modern digital signal processing technology makes GPS receiver change from analog to digital , from hardware to software .

  4. 双口RAM在声信号处理数据接口模块中的应用模拟信号处理转发器

    Application of dual RAM device in the design of data interface module alog signal processing transponder

  5. 分析多平台应用的差异,在此基础上实现了WINDOWSnt平台利用多线程模拟信号处理技术。

    Analyzing difference of different platform , author realized the simulation of signal mechanism by multi-thread in Windows NT platform .

  6. 主要有以下的几方面:第一部分是模拟信号处理部分,这部分从仪器的安全性和测量的准确性角度出发,介绍了AD电路以及之前的模拟信号的处理。

    This chapter mainly introduces the following parts , the first is about analog signal process , which starts with instrument security and accuracy requirements , introduces analog signal process circuit before AD converter .

  7. 提出了一种基于ARM的电磁流量计转换器的设计方案,详细说明了模拟信号处理放大电路[1]、励磁模块和智能处理单元的设计,采用模块化软件设计方法,实现多种功能。

    A simple and convenient design scheme of electromagnetic flowmeter converter based on ARM was introduced , and the modules include high-impedance analog signal amplifying and processing circuit , ARM microprocessor system , exciting , output , communication and display .

  8. 模拟信号处理单元,完成Figaro气体传感器的信号调理和加热电压控制,红外探测器信号调理,红外光源功率驱动,AD采样和DA输出等功能;电机控制和驱动单元,完成小车电机的功率驱动和控制。

    The Analog unit performs four tasks , the sensor signal conditioning , AD / DA , modulation of the infrared emitter and control of the heating voltage for Figaro sensors .

  9. 首先,按照信号处理内容将DRM接收机分成接收信号的硬件部分(模拟信号处理)和处理信号的软件部分(数字信号处理)。

    Firstly , it divides the DRM Receiver into two parts according to the signal processing : one is the hardware part for receiving signal ( Analog signal processing ) and the other one is the software part for processing signal ( Digital signal processing ) .

  10. 红外成像系统模拟信号处理及数字通信技术

    Analog Signal Processing and Digital Communication Technology of Infrared Imaging System

  11. 现代模拟信号处理技术在无线电引信中的应用

    Application of Modern Simulation Signal Processing Technique in Radio Fuse

  12. 一种新型电子式电流互感器模拟信号处理系统设计

    A New Design of Analog Signals Disposal System for Electronic Current Transformer

  13. 电流模式模拟信号处理的进展与展望

    Development and Prospect on Current - Mode Analog Signal Processing

  14. 用于无线传感的模拟信号处理和数据采集

    Analog Signal Processing and Data Acquisition for Wireless Sensor Networks

  15. 数字信号处理与模拟信号处理是信号处理的子集。

    Digital signal processing and analog signal processing is a subset of signal processing .

  16. 模拟信号处理模块的设计和实现。

    The main works are as follows : 1 . The design of analog signals processing module .

  17. 因此,越来越多的模拟信号处理技术正在被数字技术所取代。

    Therefore , more and more analog signal processing technologies are being replaced by the DSP technology .

  18. 模拟信号处理转发器

    Alog signal processing transponder

  19. 该系统主要包括传感器、模拟信号处理电路、数字信号处理电路以及电源电路。

    The system includes the sensor , analog signal processing circuits , digital signal processing circuit and power circuit .

  20. 采用交变模拟信号处理电路、深度负反馈网路提升仪器的稳定性和线性度;

    Due to alternating amplification and deep feed-back loop , the stability and linearity of the magnetometer are promoted .

  21. 早期的脑电记录仪的信号放大、滤波、分析和处理是以模拟信号处理理论为基础。

    The signal amplification , filter , analysis and process of early brain electrographic recording instrument was based on analog signal processing theory .

  22. 声电荷输运是模拟信号处理领域的重要发展方向,有十分重要的应用价值。

    The acoustic charge transport ( ACT ) technology has great applied value , and is the main developing trend in analogue signal processing field .

  23. 背散射检测电路是由检测器、模拟信号处理电路、A/D转换器、数字信号处理、计算机和控制单元组成的。

    The backscattered electron detection circuit is compos-d of detector , analog-signal processing circuit , A to D convertor digital-signal processing circuit , computer and control unit .

  24. 为了克服模拟信号处理带来的种种弊端,软件无线电提出数模、模数转换要尽可能地靠近天线。

    In order to overcome all kinds of disadvantages of analog processing , software radio demands the A / D and D / A should be closer to the antenna .

  25. 心电信号的采集部分主要是硬件电路的设计,包括:A/D转换前的模拟信号处理心电信号的放大滤波,和A/D转换后数字信号的处理心电数据缓存。

    It includes two parts : before A / D , analog signals ' disposal-amplification and filter of ECG , and after A / D , digital signals ' disposal-ECG caching .

  26. 一种是以分离器件和小规模集成电路为基础的模拟信号处理方案,另一种是以单片机技术为基础的数字电路处理方案。

    One is the handling scheme of analog signal based on discrete parts and small-scale integrated circuit , another is the handling scheme of digital circuit based on the monolithic processor .

  27. 采/保放大器在数据采集、数据分配和模拟信号处理系统中获得了广泛应用。是高速、高分辨率A/D转换器件不可分割的一部分。

    S / H amplifiers have found wide applications in data acquisition , data distribution and analog signal processing systems and become an integral part of high-speed / high-resolution A / D converters .

  28. 由于数字信号处理具有精度高、灵活性好、抗干扰能力强、易于大规模集成等优点,目前已在众多领域取代了传统的模拟信号处理。

    Digital signal processing due to its high accuracy , good flexibility , strong anti-interference ability and easy-to-large scale integration , etc. , has replaced the traditional analog signal processing currently in many areas .

  29. 与传统的A/D转换器电路设计比较,它避免了复杂的模拟信号处理部分电路,显著地简化了电路结构。

    Compared with the conventional A / D converter design method , the complicated circuits for analog signal processing can be omitted , and the circuit structure of CMOS A / D converter is greatly simplified .

  30. 其次根据压力信号频率进行信号调理电路设计,完成信号在进入数据采集卡前模拟信号处理。

    It affords the bases for later development . Second , we design the circuit of signal adjustment according to the bandwidth of the signal frequency and dispose the analog signal before it is collected by data collection card .