
tiān dí
  • natural enemy
天敌 [tiān dí]
  • [natural enemy] 自然界中某种动物专门捕食或危害另一种动物

  • 猫是鼠的天敌,寄生蜂是某些作物害虫的天敌

天敌[tiān dí]
  1. 我们应该通过引进天敌这种生物手段来控制害虫。

    We should control insects biologically by introducing their natural enemy .

  2. 寄生天敌云杉瘿蚊长尾小蜂寄生率达6.39%。

    The parasitic rate of parasitic natural enemy Torymus gansuensis is639 .

  3. 它们的天敌被全部杀死。

    Their natural predators have been killed off

  4. 鸟类与昆虫是天敌。

    Birds and insects are natural enemies .

  5. 如果随意遗弃,它们基本上无法抵御自然因素和天敌,如猫、蛇和猴子。如果你正在饲养宠物,或者有此打算,无论他们是小猫、小狗、小乌龟,或是一只小鸡,请记住养宠不抛弃!

    If abandoned recklessly , they ’ re basically defenseless against natural elements and predators like cats , snakes , and monkeys .

  6. /667m2时药后3d对茶小绿叶蝉的防治效果达到75%以上,且对有益天敌昆虫和作物安全。

    / 667m2 , and was safe to beneficial insects and crops .

  7. 结果C型肉毒毒素有很高的安全性,不伤害鼠类天敌;

    Results The results showed that Type-C botulin had high safety without killing natural enemies of rodent .

  8. 软X射线检测黄刺蛾茧寄生性天敌的探讨

    Checking on Parasitism Natural Enemy in Cnidocampa flavescens Cocoon by Soft X Ray

  9. 基于食物链关系评价转Bt基因棉对寄生性天敌的非靶效应

    Effects of transgenic Bt cottons on the parasitoid in tri-trophic system

  10. 转Bt基因棉压力下靶标害虫及其天敌的波动性不对称

    Fluctuating Asymmetry in Target Pest and Natural Enemy under the Stress of Bt-Transgenic Cotton

  11. 转Bt基因棉田害虫和天敌组成及优势类群时序动态

    Composition of Pests and Natural Enemies and Dynamics of Dominant Groups in Transgenic Bt Cotton Fields

  12. 天敌应激对脑不对称BALB/C小鼠血浆IL-1β、IL-6水平的影响

    Influence of predator stress on levels of IL-1 β, IL-6 in BALB / C mice with brain asymmetry

  13. 转Bt基因抗虫棉和常规棉田主要害虫与天敌种群数量的比较

    Characteristics of Major Pests and Predations of Conventional Cotton and Bt. Transgenic Cotton at Early and Full Flowering Periods

  14. 江苏沿海棉区常见捕食性天敌在Bt棉田的消长动态与分布

    Population Dynamics and Distribution of Common Predacious Natural Enemies in Transgenic Bt Cotton Fields in Jiangsu Provincial Coastal Area

  15. 苹果园害虫-天敌群落优势种组成及变化和果园IPM决策的研究

    Studies on the dominant species composition of insect pest-natural enemy community and its succession in apple orchard and orchard IPM strategies

  16. 天敌应激下小鼠血浆皮质酮、巨噬细胞产生NO、IL-1β水平与脑不对称性

    The Correlation of Brain Asymmetry to The Level of Plasma Corticosterone and NO , IL-1 β Produced by Macrophage in Balb / c Mice Under Predator Stress

  17. 通过比较不同N肥施用水平发现,16kg/667m~2N素处理害虫数量较多,中性昆虫和天敌数量也更多。

    Compared with different N fertilizer treatments , the quantities of the neutral insect , the natural enemy and the pest in the 16 kg / 667m ~ 2 N fertilizer treatment is more than that of the other treatments .

  18. 华北地区大豆蚜(Aphisglycines)的种群动态和主要天敌控制能力的研究

    Studies on the Population Dynamics of Aphis Glycines and Controlling Effect of Its Dominant Natural Enemies in Northern China

  19. 在对天敌防御反应实验中,SN(80mg/kg)可以显著降低实验前3min(天敌未出现时)小鼠的越线数及站立次数;

    In the mouse defense test battery , sinomenine ( 80 mg / kg ) decreased line crossing and rearing significantly in the pretest .

  20. G-P复合生物杀虫剂对豆田蚜虫及其天敌的毒效测定

    Toxicity determination of G P compound bioinsecticide to the aphid and its natural enemies in soybean field

  21. 这些油可以作为癌症病人治疗的重要补充,因为癌细胞的厌氧性,使Omega-3脂肪成为癌细胞的天敌。

    Understandably supplementation of these oils can be particularly crucial for people afflicted with cancer , a condition which is characterized by oxygen-deficient cells .

  22. 本文讨论了利用初始EF值来预测天敌对害虫的功能作用及生物防治与化学防治协调的可能性。

    The possibility of using the initial EF value to predict the enemy function and to coordinate the pest control strategies with natural enemies and with chemical insecticides was discussed .

  23. 2000~2001年,在湖北棉区系统研究了转Bt基因棉对棉田非靶标害虫及天敌种群动态的影响。

    Systematic investigations were carried out on the effect of transgenic Bt cotton on the population dynamics of non target pests and natural enemies of pests in Hubei province in 2000-2001.This experiment included three treatments .

  24. 在棉花整个生产季节中,IPM棉田中捕食性天敌的数量明显高于对照棉田,特别是在棉花生长的中后期表现尤为明显。

    The amount of insect predators is higher in IPM farmers ' fields than normal farmers significantly during the cotton production season , especially in the middle and late season .

  25. 河南省苹果园鞘翅目天敌昆虫资源发生种类记述&瓢虫科Coccinellidae(Ⅰ)

    Resource Investigation of Coleoptera Natural Enemy Insects in Apple Orchard in Henan Province & Coccinellidae (ⅰ)

  26. 本系统利用SqlServer2000数据库工具和VISUALBASIC编程语言,开发了具有查询、维护和添加功能的中国农业害虫天敌信息系统。

    An information searching system for natural enemies of agricultural insect pests in China was developed on the platform of SQL Server 2000 and Visual Basic 6.0 coupled with database technology ( i.e. , Active Date Object ) and software technology ( i.e. , structural designation and module programming ) .

  27. 结论小鼠在天敌应激下,HPA轴与血浆IL-1β、IL-6水平均受大脑的异质调控,提示精神应激下脑不对称性对免疫内分泌功能有影响。

    CONCLUSION : Under predator stress , the HPA axis and plasma proinflammatory cytokines ( IL-1 β, IL-6 ) in BALB / C mice were modulated by the brain asymmetrically , and brain lateralization may influence the function of immuno-endocrine network in psychological circumstances .

  28. 本文应用生命表及Morris-Watt数学模型作为分析害虫天敌作用的方法。

    The life table and Morris-Watt mathematical model were used as the methods to analysis the effectiveness of natural enemies of pest insects .

  29. 各种天敌对麦长管蚜和麦二叉蚜种群数量影响程度的研究

    Influence of Natural Enemies on Population of Wheat Aphid and Greenbug

  30. 诱虫灯对蔬菜害虫的诱杀效果及对天敌的影响

    Effect of Trap Lamp on Vegetable Pests and their Natural Enemies